Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow Today

We’ve gotten about ten inches so far, with the snow not subsiding until around midnight tonight. LP’s school’s already announced the closing for Wednesday which is good considering that the county’s under a state of emergency and no one’s to be on the road unless it’s an emergency. Watching the closings on television, whole cities are closing down!
LP shoveled the front walk before noon and of course you can’t even tell it now. He wanted to walk to Jordan’s (about three blocks) and after assuring me that he’d dress in layers with hoodies and gloves, I let him go. I called him 15 minutes later and he arrived safely but he said he had to walk backwards half the way because the snow-wind stung his face. I don’t know why it would kill him to stay home and do something here just for today. Anyway he called an hour ago and wants to stay the night there. Big Surprise. I don’t know yet—BP can probably get the car out of he garage and go pick him up.
My Muncie sister called and said that Ball State (she’s faculty/staff there) called off classes but left it up to faculty and staff on whether they wanted to come into work. If they didn’t they’d have to take a vacation day instead of a weather day. That’s kind of ridiculous. She said her boss emailed all of the people who work in the department and said that they can “work from home” today. So she and her husband and three kids are at home.
She said her husband had to shovel a path to get to the dog’s house (which is attached to the garage) because the doggie couldn’t get out to pee. When she looked out later the dog was out in a snow drift and couldn’t move! Dave had to shovel her out again.
Anyway, back here, the two kids from a few doors down were out playing in the snow and were trying to run a radio-controlled truck out in the street. When the thing couldn’t move, the little kid would reach down and throw the truck and try again. Sigh. Those tiny kids have no business playing out in this weather.
The older man next door was out shoveling his walk! Jesus. He has no place to go, and should just wait until tomorrow when the guy with the snow blower will come around the neighborhood. I’m afraid he’ll have a heart attack.
I heated up leftover Italian roast beef for lunch. It was most excellent, and then we were organizing receipts and other tax stuff. We have an appointment with Judy our tax lady tomorrow, but with this weather we’ll probably reschedule it.
I was going to make cookies today, but since LP might stay the night at Jordan’s I think I might just watch American Idol, and then Boston Legal with my BP.


Brenda said...

sounds like a cozy evening. pre-valentine whoppie? hehe. it snowed here but not enough to close anything. it is the light fluffy kind.
i refuse to shovel any more snow. i will drive over the shit until spring.

allan, if you are reading this...... i think you are a big ass.

Bert Bananas said...

We have a 7:09 tee time at Jurupa Hills. I'll only be shoveling bull shit.

Jenny Robin said...

sounds like a cold yet cozy day

be safe


Happy Valentine's Day!