Monday, February 12, 2007

Mourning Oranges

Waited one and a half hours at the doctor’s office. My blood pressure was high because I had to wait so damned long. The nurse practioner (I hate nurse practioners) gave me scripts for codeine cough liquid and some antibiotics for my sore throat—which wasn’t strep like I told BP it WASN’T, but he insisted that I go to the doctor’s office to have it checked out because it has been sore for over two weeks.

Anyway some kid was bawling at the top of his lungs and his mother ignored him, as we sick people wanted to do, but could not.

I waited another 20 minutes at the pharmacy, sitting next to an elderly woman. I glanced over and saw a
blue blob on her earlobe. Upon closer inspection found that it was, or had been, a tattoo of a spider-like creature. Although now the ink had all bled together and it looked like a big messy blob. I figure that’s what Mary J. Blige and Angelina Jolie and and all of those other dumbasses who get gigantic tattoos will look like one day: All the ink will run together into their wrinkles and old age fat and they’ll look like one big blue blob walking around.

Speaking of Mary J. Blige . . . what’s the deal? Why is she so popular? Why did other performers worship at her feet? I saw her “emotional” Grammy performance which was blah to me.

So last night after my friend called and told me we were getting a hellacious snow storm, I ran out to Kroger’s. I got some stuff to make chili, some Lean Cuisines, and some Stewart’s orange & cream soda, and some rye bread. As I was looking around at the produce and buying some garlic, peppers and onion, I noticed the oranges! GOOD GOD!!! Ninety nine cents for one fecking orange! Last year I could buy 4 for 99 cents. Was the price hike because of the freezing California/Florida weather? Lemons were 89 cents apiece. I refuse to pay 99 cents for one orange. It’s un-American, it is. So if I get scurvy—that’s why. It’s an abomination.

Instead of Iraq why don’t we invade some orange producing country so we can ship free oranges to the masses. I love navel oranges. I could eat three every day. They peel easily. They segment easily. They’re juicy. Delicious and nutritious. I miss them already. Maybe send one measly Naval battleship to South America to bring me a boatload of navel oranges. Free. The navel oranges would morph into Naval oranges.


Sonya said...

Well, you obviously had a bacterial infection or they wouldn't have given you antibiotics (probably.) So be glad it wasn't as serious as strep and that someone made you go to the doctor.

The oranges are expensive because of the freeze. Can you imagine how heartbreaking it must be for the growers and also the migrant pickers?

The Broards said...

Tree, being the Liberal I am, once I get over the horror of the 99 cents, I will feel for the migrant pickers and set up a fund for them

Sonya said...

I see you have been reformed. Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Nature hates orange orchards--between Katrina wiping out the Louisiana ones, the Florida hurricanes knocking out those, and now the California freezes--well, 99 cents is probably cheap.

Re: Mary J. Blige. She's one of those American Dreams reached stories. She survived domestic abuse (and abusive boyfriends in hiphop, who knew?), and producers trying to shape her sound to find her own sound, to heal her poor self-image, and to find a good man to love. Oh, and I liked her performance :-)

vq said...

Emma, your remarks about Ms. Blueblob remind me of a great object lesson I've always been able to use with my kids concerning tattoos. My father-in-law has a tattoo on his forearm that he got when he was in the Navy in the 50s. I believe it once was an eagle, but now it looks like a really bad bruise. The kid were always both fascinated and repelled by it. Any time I think one of them is contemplating a tattoo, I just remind them of what tattoos inevitably turn out to look like!

Anonymous said...

I can imagine growing mushrooms in my navel, but not oranges. What kind of knightmarish bio-genetics have you got going on?

UrbanStarGazer said...

We haven't had a freezing Winter. In fact, it's been a really mild Winter.