Saturday, July 28, 2007

Boring Post. You don't have to read it if you don't want to

***It is Saturday, and because I loathed this work week, I’m glad the weekend is here. Now I need to work on stretching these two days into two or three months. Anyone have any ideas on how to do that?

***I’m doing laundry as I type and I haven’t even had any coffee yet.

***Yesterday I showed the rental house to an actual sane person, so keep your fingers crossed for me. Meme, you keep your legs crossed.

***I’m going to look at tile at Menard’s today. BP is supposed to start my bathroom renovation this week. Yum, a whole week of not being able to use the toilet—I might explode. Since our bathroom is tiny I’m going to go full tilt and vanity on the tile I want.

***Hey you guys know I love HGTV. I watched a show called House Hunters International last night. This show follows a couple around to three homes they are thinking about buying. The International version follows people in Mexico or France or Italy, etc. Last night a couple wanted to find a place in Paris. Of course the places were very expensive, but the BATHROOMS. They were no bigger than closets. A stool butted up (no pun intended) against the shower and a tiny airplane-sized sink. I’ve noticed the same when they highlight a NYC couple. The woman always squeals with glee when showed a closet that is the size of a refrigerator carton, “OH!!!! SO MUCH STORAGE!!” This there no storage in New York City? I love this show because I can see the value of property in other parts of the country.

*****OH MY GOSH! I FORGOT--Today is my 8th anniversary of wedded bliss with the BP. How could I have forgotten that?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The End

I finished Harry Potter tonight. What a wonderful ending to a fantastic series. The book is very dark. Lots of battles. Lots of killings. Lots going on. I was fascinated to read some of the back stories of a few of my favorite characters. Rowling did a good job tying things up.

Now I can read Clanky’s blog. I didn’t read it while in the midst of Dementors, Death eaters, Aurors and Potters because I was afraid she’d blab something about it. Haha.
You know who I despised more than You-Know Who? That motherfucking Delores Umbridge. What a ratty old Nazi bitch she was!

The Book Seven movie will be quite interesting to pull off. Wonder what director will get that plum.

Job as Dementor

At times, work is like a Dementor just sucking my soul right out of my body.

PS: I'm almost done with HP--should finish it tonight

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Note

Please note:
I have an upset stomach this morning but I am still going to work. What a trooper I am.

Monday, July 23, 2007

"What's a sewage bill?"

Maybe Jilly can back me up, but most of the time being a landlord sucks out the ass. I showed the house yesterday to a woman. She was very overweight, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but she only could take five steps before she had to sit down. The house is empty so she sat on the fireplace ledge.

She brought with her Marilyn Manson. Well, I thought it was Marilyn Manson but I found out that it was her son. “He’s not goth,” she told me twice. “He goes to church.”
I asked who would be living in the house. Well: her, her 17 yr old son (Marilyn), her 19 yr old son and her dog and a cat. Uuh, no. This is a two-bedroom bungalow. Here is what else I learned in the twenty minutes I spent with her:

1. She doesn’t think kids are adults until the age of 20 “It’s eighTEEN. It’s nineTEEN.”
2. She has to have the air on at 60 degrees because she gets hot.
3. The doctor warned her not to have more kids after the first one because she has “back problems.”
4. She didn’t know the difference between gas and electricity”
5. She didn’t know what a sewage bill was.
6. The place she lives in now has a mold problem and “the board of health didn’t do anything about it.”
7. She likes the kitchen island.
8. She goes to three different churches.
9. Her mother will visit a lot.
10. She brought her son with her “for protection.”
11. Apparently all her son knows how to do is to stare at his shoes.
12. She was worried that she wouldn’t fit in the bathtub.
13. She didn’t want me to contact her existing landlord.
14. She told her two sons, “If you live with me until you’re 20, and mind me, you can do whatever you want with your body.”
15. She liked the big bedroom.

Need I say more?