Today most of the Writes clan . . sisters, brother, mother, aunt, cousins are participating in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation walk in Indianapolis. I contributed money in my brother’s name and in my cyber friend Urban’s name (even though she’s a looong way away from being a juvenile) : )
You may remember my nutso religious sister who couldn’t cut it as a nun and the convent kicked her out with instructions to go and get psychiatric help. Well if you don’t then you’re not a loyal reader of Emmerica so go play with yourself. If you
do remember “The Nun”, here’s the latest tidbit. For years she’s also participated in this fundraiser and walk, but this year she left a message on Lexus sister’s voicemail (we’re all meeting at Lexus’house.) Her message:
“I went online and researched the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and discovered that they give 5% of contributions to stem cell research! I
cannot in good conscience participate in any way to an organization like that!”
She doesn't even know what a fucking stem cell is. This good Christian, moral person loves stem cells and zygotes and embryos and fetuses but shows distain for most living breathing people. She told a story once of two migrant workers coming to the backdoor of the Catholic Church office she works for. The church had had a luncheon that day and these workers had the temerity to ask for leftovers because they were hungry. Miss Christian told them to go away because “this wasn’t a soup kitchen.” I suppose if they had been two zygotes requesting assistance she would have welcomed them with open arms.
Anyway, I hope the rain holds off until after the Walk. Bye.