Saturday, October 28, 2006

Do Not Buy His Book

The Evil Bill O’Reilly was on Oprah yesterday trying to sell his new book. Don’t buy this book. He divides up people into Social Progressives (evil) and Traditional Warriors (good)

SPs want everything to be allowed: rap music, hiphop, abortion, “disgusting” movies, pornography, drugs, gay marriage, and, the Biggie, LIBERALISM. :::shudder::::

Traditional Warriors want everything good for America: pro life, winning the war on terror, the “bad” guys in prison, torture’s ok if “it saves American lives”, motherhood, apple pie, and CONSERVATISM. According to Billy Boy, Martin Luther King was a T WARRIOR. JFK? T-Warrior! RFK? T-WARRIOR! As was FDR. ALL T WARRIORS! (lol)

Tree, can you just imagine Stephen Colbert coming up with the phrase “T Warrior”? Colbert would do it tongue-in-cheek. O’Reilly is dead serious.


An audience woman called him on being divisive, and polarizing the nation. “You’re here talking calmly with Oprah, but on your show you do nothing but yell and say everyone but you is wrong. You make a lot of money polarizing this country.” She went on to say, “I work with gay youth, and . . .”


And, of course, all the media (except him and FoxNews) is liberal. They’re bottom feeders. “Did you know my book is on the New York Times bestseller list and YET THE NEW YORK TIMES WON’T REVIEW IT?????????????”

When O’Reilly wails against BIG BUSINESS, and a man in the audience points out that FoxNews is a part of one of the biggest corporations, O’Reilly dismisses him as a “FOX HATER. YOU, SIR, ARE A FOX HATER!!”

To everyone who disagrees with him he yells, “DO YOU HATE AMERICA? DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN HOLLAND?” wtf??

What a fucking loon.

Oprah wimped out. She didn’t call him on nary a thing.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Letterman's Important Message About February for George Bush


Look what I found

A slug that Jackie's daughter might like :)

One of Satan’s minions--goes by the name of Bill O’Reilly-- is on Oprah today. She won’t have hip hop/rappers on, but she’ll have that turd on her show? C’mon, Ops…….which one of your segment producers is a closet Nazi freak? I don’t know if I’ll get home in time to watch it, but I hope she asks him about his masturbatory fantasies of showering his sexually harassed employee with a loofah.

I want coffee.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

back to work

Ugh. The frost is on the proverbial pumpkin today.
I worked outside yesterday and I'm sore today. I thinned out the coneflowers, worked some amendments into the soil, and planted the daffodils. Then I mulched. I also moved some big decorative rocks that were hidden with some overgrown perennials to a place where I could enjoy them. I like rocks, I do. I still have a bigass wheelbarrow full of hacked down stuff, in the front yard. If I have the energy after work, I'll haul it around the back and pitch it in the overgrown compost pile.

I saw Sharon Lovejoy (big in the gardening world) on PBS' The Victory Garden Saturday and she was making a "salamander house" from logs and wood screws. They're just stacked like Lincoln Logs and they look cool and rustic. Salamanders supposedly are a good thing to invite into the garden. They eat pill bugs and motherfucking slugs. I hate motherfucking slugs almost as much as I hate motherfucking Japanese beetles. So, I might have BP make a few salamander houses for me. I don't know if they're even around these here parts. I'll have to research, unless one of you know about salamanders and could impart some wisdom.

I finally started Chris Elliott's The Shroud of the Thwacker last night in bed. I actually LOLd a few times. It' s funny and I can imagine his voice as I read it. You know Chris Elliott? For years and years he wrote for the David Letterman Show, and bit part acted in sketches on the show. He recently played Amy's whacked out brother in Everybody Loves Raymond. You either love Chris Elliott or you think he's a no talent dimwitted balding hound-dog looking guy. Chris, if you're reading this, I meant that only in the most loving way. I appreciate you!

The three of us are going to get flu shots after LP gets out of school today.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I was across town last night and saw a house with a Christmas tree up already. At first I thought it was a "Halloween tree", but was framed in their picture window . . . a freaking Christmas tree, decorated and lit. In October. If if were QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE, those homeowners would be dead.

Monday, October 23, 2006


Nothing new at Mom’s. She wanted to go to Applebee’s for lunch (It was nasty.) I took her shopping. Then home, where she insisted on watching the Notre Dame game until she wanted me to drop her off at church for Saturday mass. The church is two minutes from her house—you can literally see it out the front door and across a meadow, and mass on Saturday begins at 5:30, so when did she want to leave? 4:00. That’s right 4:00, partly because UCLA scored a touchdown and she can’t stand to watch when Notre Dame’s losing. I think they eventually won, but who knows. So I took her over there at 4, and went home to make chili for dinner. My oldest sister and her daughter and friend joined us at 7 for din-din.

So, I’m taking off of work today and tomorrow and want to get a few things accomplished, mainly plant a bag of 50 daffodils, and get my desk cleaned off and in order. That should take the entire two days.

If you’ve a mind to Christmas shop: Here’s want I want: