Friday, June 15, 2007

I Miss Bill

I was flipping around the remote and landed on CPAN’s airing of today’s speech by Bill Clinton to the National Partnership for Women & Families.


There are 28 million people in the US who earn paychecks and yet do not have bank accounts. They cannot establish credit, qualify for mortgages or earn interest on their money. He said that there are more payday loan franchises in the US than McDonald’s. These payday loans make it easy for poorer people to get caught in a cycle that can charge astronomical interest—some $300 loans end up costing over $700. These 28 million people spend over 10 billion dollars a year on these alternative banking transactions.

He spoke a lot about health care reform and the encouragement of health care providers and insurance companies to promote Wellness Programs.

His foundation helps educate lower income families to apply for tax credits and helps them file tax forms and the like. He’s working for IRS reforms on the EZ forms so poor people don’t have to submit more than one form to apply for these tax credits.

He’s very articulate and optimistic about the future and says every problem in the world comes down to one question, “Do our differences matter more than what we have in common?” From health care to the war in Iraq.

I listened to him for almost an hour and he didn’t smirk or stammer or mispronounce words. Articulate. Charming. Well read. Caring. Smart. Charismatic. Ahhh . . .to have a President like that.

CPAN always reruns speeches. If you can, see it.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

What's your pop culture blindspot?

Entertainment Weekly magazine asked their employees what famous movie/tv/book/etc they've never read. (Harry Potter/Simpsons/Sopranos were covered"

"I've never read a book by any of the big best-selling authors. I mean writers like Tom Clancy, Stephen King (sorry, co-worker once removed!), James Patterson, Danielle Steele, John Grisham, David Baldacci, Clive Cussler, Mary Higgins Clark, Nora Roberts, Dean Koontz, Janet Evanovich (have I left anyone out?). Basically this is because I still think that books, as opposed to TV and movies, are supposed to be ''good for you,'' so I only choose classics — you know, like Dickens and Stendhal — which I never pick up because they're too boring. (Maybe I should change this confession to ''I never read books.'')" — Tom Conroy

I think Tom Conroy's a bit of a snob. But here are some famous, well-reviewed shows past & present I've never seen:

Hill Street Blues
St. Elsewhere
Ugly Betty
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (I'm a Letterman gurl)
Grey's Anatomy

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Movie Recommendation

with the magnificent Chris Cooper, Ryan Phillippe, Laura Linney, Dennis Haysbert and Gary Cole

Excellent movie about "the worst spy in American history" Robert Hanssen. About a year after the Hanssen case broke (in February 2001) there was a Made-for-TV-movie about him starring William Hurt. That was a good movie with Hurt doing a good portrayal, but this film is more from the Bureau's viewpoint.
Hanssen was brilliant, a schlub, a pervert, and seriously fucked up. He's serving a life term in Forence, Colorado Supermax prison--23 hours a day in solitary confinement. A just punishment.
See the film.

She makes a nothing day

I have absolutely nothing to blog about today other than the fact I have nothing to blog about today.

Have a_________________ day.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Corporate Speak

I remember reading when Verbie said "gifted" was not a verb, so here's something I cringed at today:

This mean woman from THE COMPANY came into my office. We were talking about a meeting we have tomorrow with a guy named Michael. The meeting is scheduled for 8am, Mean Woman said, "Michael will not be here by then. His flight won't even arrive until 10am."

Me: Oh? I didn't know that.
MW: Well, I did. Michael and I office together.

She OFFICES together with Michael?? She doesn't have her office near Michael. She's not next to Michael. SHE OFFICES WITH MICHAEL. How fucking stupid is that?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Holiday

I'm eating pistachios and thinking about The Holiday.

I think Kate Winslet is adorable. I didn't see (and will never see) The Titanic, but I've seen some other things she's been in and she's quite good. Her expression when she heard that her love Jasper was engaged to someone else is worth the whole movie. Her character's interaction with Eli Wallach's character is very sweet.

Cameron Diaz. Ugh. I like her better as Princess Fiona so I don't have to see her onscreen. I think her part could have been played by another actress and it would've been an even better movie. One thing that bugged me is that she was ready to leave Surrey (or "Suri" if you're a Cruise) after only one day--so what the hell was she going to do about Iris' dog!!? Just leave him in the house for two weeks?

I liked the little cameo of Dustin Hoffman at the video store.

Jack Black was good in this---less manic than his normal persona.

I think Jude Law is physically very pretty, and he played his part very well. He was quite charming in the scenes with the little girls who played his daughters. He has very beautiful lips and he kisses very well on screen. I understand he's a bit of a blob in real life, but "oh well."

Hasn't every woman had a motherfucking Jasper sometime in her life. The great part about this movie (and it is a romantic comedy after all) is that Iris finally woke up and told her Jasper to sod off.