Saturday, August 19, 2006

Three Days In

Three days into school and LP’s doing great! Kudos to my kid. He’s brought home homework. He’s been prepared. He’s taking math, Spanish, Business apps, World Geography, English and something else I can’t remember right now. Friday he told me his business teacher (LP had him for something else last year) gave them the last ten minutes of class time to work on homework. The teacher was walking around the room and came up to Liam and said, “Why Liam, you’re actually doing your homework?” LP replied, “Yeah.” Teacher: “Great! What happened to you over the summer?” LP said he just laughed.
Three days down, a hundred and some to go. I am crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes hoping he’ll keep it up.

So today I have to go to the bank. To the grocery. And I want to go shopping for a new jacket. I was watching What Not To Wear on TLC last night and Stacy and Clinton are all about nipped-in-the-waist jackets to wear over a “nice blouse.” I want a chocolate brown one.

More chores. I have to clean the birdbath. I need to ask LP to mow the lawn (if it doesn’t rain.) I have fifty million loads of laundry to do.So why am I here with you? Bye for now!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Did you notice?

If you click on Bob the Monkey "more" you can feed him a banana.
Click on Bob the Llama and feed him hay.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Nothing to Report

I took LP to his first day of school.

I stopped at Panera Bread for a to-go order of a medium coffee and an Asiago cheese bagel well toasted and butter.

Dubya still sucks.

I have nothing else to report.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Loveable Schmucky Curmudgeon

I love the character of Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm. This past weekend I watched all of season five. Witness the schmuckiness:

He annoying calls “Bingo” and says it like it has six syllables (Binnnngoooo bingooooo) at the nursing home his dad is at.

He asks an old Japanese kamikaze pilot why he’s still alive.

He invites a neighborhood sex offender home for Seder dinner.

He doesn’t pay a kid the promised dollar for finding the motza because he thinks the kid’s old man gave him a hint as to where it was hidden.

He uses a handicapped bathroom stall and talks back when a handicapped (oops, “disabled” person) calls him on it.

He tries to bribe the head of the Kidney Consortium so he’ll move up his friend Richard Lewis on the kidney donor list so he (Larry) won’t have to donate one of his own.

He gets into a stand-off with a woman at a beach party for borrowing his jacket because HE had the foresight to bring it along for the cool weather.

He used his father-in-law’s Passion of the Christ Jesus nail to nail up a mazoozah (sp) a kind of Jewish “good luck charm” for Jewish homes.

He accuses Richard Lewis’ nurse of having a HUGE vagina just because she said his friend Jeff had an unusually small penis. "These big vagina women get away with murder."

He asks Cheryl’s friend Wanda Sykes if his private investigator is a Muslim because aren’t all black men who wears bow ties Muslims?

I loved loved loved it when he went to Arizona to find his “real parents” and became a Catholic middle aged white guy—complete with the fanny pack and a TGIF t-shirt!! SNORT!


This is a tiny angel seed holder on a pole. Usually it's filled with nasty rainwater so I put some nasturium blossoms in it. Posted by Picasa
The squirrels were getting into this birdfeeder so i took it down from the post, cleaned it and filled it with stones and river rock. So far they haven't wanted to eat the contents. Posted by Picasa
Cosmos is just about the only thing that still looks fresh in my garden Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Handy Help From the Wonderful BP

BP’s out of town on business and as per usual every time he’s out of town something around this house breaks down. This time it’s the garbage disposal. I IMd him last night and said he might have to cut his trip short and come home to repair it. Then I got booted offline. Later I received this email from him:

Hi Puddin,

You disappeared before I had a chance to tell you how to fix the disposal.

First, you can remove the black rubber thing in the bottom of the drain.

Make sure the disposal switch is turned off, then reach in (you can wear rubber gloves for this) and remove whatever's on top of the macerator. Then, try turning the macerator by hand, or you can use a wooden broomstick to try turning it.

If the macerator turns ok, then look on the disposal unit itself under the sink. There's a reset button on there somewhere. I can't remember if it's on the side or on the end, but it will be a small button, probably either red, white, or black, and might be either square or round. When you push it in, you should hear/feel a click. That reset's the disposal circuit breaker.

After resetting the disposal breaker, try turning it on. It should spin normally. If it doesn't, there's probably something stuck around or underneath it.

You could also ask Bill to take a look at it -- he should know how to fix it.

I'll call you later on.

I love you lots :)


I must tell you, he’s a genius. I followed the instructions and fixed it! I’m not mechanical at all but I’ll tell you I felt just like a regular Schneider from One Day at a Time!