Saturday, July 07, 2007


It's 7-7-07.

Do you feel lucky?

Well, do you , Punk?

Me? I'm buying a Hoosier Lottery Raffle ticket. It's the best odds of winning (Austin Powers' Dr. Evil voice here) ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Only 325,000 tickets will be sold. There will be two million dollar prizes, 5 $100,000 prizes, and 770 $1000 prizes.

If anyone wants to send me good vibes, email me at sometime today, and if I win one of the million dollar prizes, you will receive a personal check from me in the amount of one thousand dollars. Yippie kaiaay. I will post the raffle number here later.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Thanks, Clanky

I emailed my husband that weird boob picture Clanks posted on her blog with "Be thankful I don't have boobs like this." He emailed me back, "NEVER send me anything like that again!"


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July, too!

For those of your faithful readers you’ll remember that I make Nesta aka Kiki Marie the cat sleep on the enclosed porch. She’s very comfortable out there, but BP and LP have whined at me for a year and a half to let her stay in the house at night. Well, since the cat is almost two years old, they finally wore me down and I let them give it a try.

Me: But if that cat jumps on me or our bed during the night---out she goes!

They---BP, LP and Nesta-- all agreed.

The first night around 3 am she jumped on me about three times and scared the shit out of me.

Me: Don! Take the cat OUT!

He did.

Since that first night things have improved. She’s only jumped on me once and started playing with/batting at my hair

Me: Don! Take the cat OUT!

Lately she knows what time I wake up, so at 6 am she’ll come and sit by the bed and meow or bat at my hand if it happens to be hanging over the bed.

Last night I told BP, “Please tell the cat that I get to sleep in tomorrow, so don’t wake me up so early. Tell her to let me sleep until 8.”

And before I went to bed I picked her up and told her the same thing, “Listen Kiki, I don’t have to work tomorrow so I want to sleep longer. Don’t get me up at 6! Hear me?”

And, by golly, she didn’t disturb me at all. About 8:30 she comes trotting into our bedroom and meowed a wake up call.

She’s the new Kitty Alarm Clock

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Freak of nature

On this coneflower clump there is one pure white
flower blooming. See the lower right one? It might not be so noticable in my picture (I'm not a great photog) but trust me, it's white

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