Thursday, February 15, 2007

George Coin

I'm excited about the new presidential coins due out soon!


Jenny Robin said...

I'm glad one person is excited. I dislike coins, and I won't be using these if I can help it.

The Broards said...

I love coins and stamps. They're works of art

Roger said...

I like the idea of a dollar coin. But it will only work if the government withdraws paper dollars.


Anonymous said...

when i get dollar coins as change i can never make myself spend them later on. i feel like i have to put them in a jar and save them.

Anonymous said...

We moved onto £1 and £2 coins in the 80s and compared with the tatty bits of paper that £1 notes become after about three days out in public they are great , some countries have gone onto a sort of plastic credit card type money I beleive

vq said...

I got a huge handful of Susan B. Anthony dollars in change from a stamp machine at the Post Office (I've noticed that only the USPS seems to acknkowledge SBA dollars.) They've been quite a challenge for me--I keep trying to use them as quarters and getting them handed back to me. Some clerks even say "what IS that?"

Anonymous said...

Dollar coins would be a lot better accepted if 1) the gold coloring didn't rub off, 2) they weren't the exact same size as quarters.

Anonymous said...

There's also the problem that no vending machines other than the USPS are ever set up to accept those dollar coins, so people are constantly throwing dollars into machines that read them like quarters.

If the feds want a dollar coin, then they need a larger coin and they need to make sure people can use it as a coin. Maybe they should just go back to the old Eisenhower silver dollar.