Monday, September 04, 2006

Monday: A Day off work

We had a nice time with my sister yesterday. We let LP pick the restaurant and of course he picked PF Chang’s. He loves that place—loves their steamed dumplings and orange peel chicken. I like their flavored iced tea (I think it’s mango.) Anyway I had the shrimp lo mein, and Lexus had some kind of spicy chicken.

Then she took LP shopping. Nowadays his favorite stores are Finish Line (for the sneakers—he got four pairs) and Man Alive for the shirts, jackets and jeans (which he got a boatload.)
I sat in the mall with a cup of Costa Rican coffee from Barney’s while they went into a record store. I saw three teenaged girls, obviously together, walking down the mall and they all had their cell phones glued to their ears. Walking with their friends yet talking to other friends (?) at the same time. Sigh. I don’t get it. This generation will all be deaf before they’re sixty. Mark my words on that.

Anyway I got a cool black Cole Haan purse and my sissy bought me Bob Dylan’s new CD Modern Times which I’m going to listen to today while house cleaning.

Yesterday when we got home I dug up two gigantic overgrown lavender plants that had grown into bushes and planted some Shasta Daisies, coneflowers, an iceberg rose, and Veronica that I’d dug up from various other places around the garden. Afterwards I was sweaty and hotter than a fresh fucked fox in a forest fire. (NotFan can steal that line for her next book.)

Today, if the weather cooperates, I need to dig up this overgrown sedum that flops in the middle and some bronze fennel and get rid of it. I have three potted scabiosa pincushion plants that I need to find homes for before weather gets cold, and I think they’ll go nicely in that spot.


Anonymous said...

I thought of you the other days ,The Times had a recipe for Lavender sorbet in it ,but the rain came into the tent so i no longer have the recipe

Catz said...

i see that alot with this generation.i don't understand it either.

schell said...

Can I dig up Lamb's Ear and move it?

The Broards said...

heck yeah Schell....dig it up (even a small piece of that stuff will root) put in it a hole...water it well for the first week. It needs full sun

Waltzing Matilda said...

Emma, you are actually correct about the deaf thing.

According to NAD between now and 2025 the number of people with significant hearing loss will increase faster than the rest of the total population.

UrbanStarGazer said...

Sh-ASS-ta daisies, you say?