Monday, January 21, 2008

If you didn't already know it, my husband is a saint.

His mother called at 1:30 this morning because her sump pump wasn't working and her shower plumbing was going haywire. She had called a plumber but he wouldn't get there until someime today and she was worried and scared. So BP drove 60 miles out in the bitter cold, fixed both problems temporarily until the plumber came, told her for the 50 millionth time that she should sell that ancient farmhouse and move closer to us, and drove home. He got back about 5:30, poor thing.

I think I'll let him sleep until noon.


Brenda said...

what a sweet man and son.

Anonymous said...

bless his cotton socks

Anonymous said...

You got you a good one, Emma!

A sump pump? Our neighbor without an indoor toilet had a sump pump for something, but I can't remember what.

schell said...

What a great guy!

Oh, your blog loaded much quicker today.

Jenny Robin said...

what a sweetie pie

Bert Bananas said...

Yes, but has he carried her from her bed to the toilet and then back again?

Anonymous said...

I like men that can mend stuff. Stew mends things. It's ace.

Anonymous said...

sump pumps suck out excess water in a flooded basement, Mel. I have 2 sump pumps and a standing floor pump.

she's lucky her pipes didn't freeze, that would have been a huge expensive mess. what a nice man and i'm glad you let him sleep in.


Jenny Robin said...

I only know sump pumps from my dad's boats. Basements are not common in these parts, though many older houses (from the 20s) have them.

Brenda said...

i have two sump pumps that evacuate the rain water and any excess water seeping around the foundation. i get in a panic when it is storming and the power goes out and you have to do it by hand. fortunately that has only happened once.

Bert Bananas said...

I like the idea that in an emergency Spidey can get it done by hand. Regular pioneer woman!

Brenda said...

thank you bert.

just imagine if it is the middle of the night and i am in my sexy negligee and i have to hand pump when the power goes out.