Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I can't believe someone who is dirt poor would be against universal health care, even if that plan has flaws. Some amount of health care is better than nothing. This country has got to get on board with the fact that there are millions and millions of people in this country without adequate health care--or any health care. A lot of people have to work past the age they'd like to retire just because they need health care benefits that a full time job gives them. It's disgusting.
Who's going to address this problem? The Republicans? Bah! Yeah, right.


Brenda said...

it is a shame when people have to decide between groceries or a dr. visit. i agree with you. it is time to wake the f*** up.

Bert Bananas said...

How much do you think it will cost, and who will pay for it?

I submit that most of those who have decent health coverage through their employment don't really know the cost. Obviously the employer or the union (the best coverage I ever had was when I was in the Culinary Workers Union; total full ride) ultimately gets the premium money from the consuming public. For the American auto manufacturers health and retirement costs add over $2,000 per car.

All those socialist European countries with universal health care tax the bejesus out of their populace to cover the cradle to grave care.

I'm not saying there is one right way or a wrong way to do this, but I am of the opinion that dirt poor people and bleeding heart liberals will find a lot of opposition to the kind of taxation it would take to fund universal health care. Especially from Republicans and Libertarians who think people should work hard and take care of themselves themselves.

Crap, look how hard it is to get school bonds passed, and Children are our future.

Here's my dream: we learn to tap the limitless energy of the sun (from orbit, with microwave relay to the surface) and electricity becomes so cheap as to essentially be free and all the money we were spending on coal and oil can be spend on things that build us up, not tear us down.

Thank you for the soapbox, Emmakins.

Clank Napper said...

I toy with the idea of private healthcare...then realise I pay so much for the NHS ~I better stick with it.

Anonymous said...

theres no such thing as a free lunch

Anonymous said...

i worry about my family who all lack medical care. my nephew hit my niece in the head with a btick and it bled lots. my sister couldn't afford the er visit, so they didn't go. if she turns out to be special ed, i'll blame the brick.

i am very lucky to have government insurance. the government has to provide all sorts of benefits to its employees that the rest of america would love to get, like automatic step increase raises. it's nice to know that according to my contract, for the next 3 years, i'm getting a cost of living raise and a raise just for putting time in, and i get to fully retire in about 22 years and live off the state or get a differetn state job and work on a second pension, which i'll be able to get before i even get social security (if we still have that). some of my co-workers currently get social security, and 2-3 other pensions from different government jobs as well as having put money in a private retirement account. the down side is most of their money still goes to prescription costs and property taxes because of where we live. if the were in the middle of nowhere, they'd be raking it in.
