Saturday, October 20, 2007


I didn’t leave at noon yesterday—I left at 3, so the day went better than anticipated. A few of us went out to lunch, and that was fun.

It’s Saturday and I don’t know why but I woke up at 6:30 and since I couldn’t go back to sleep I figured that I might as well get up. I started a load of laundry and I’m thinking about going out for coffee.

Our cat has been scratching more than normal the last month or two. It’s not fleas. I asked a cat lover at work about it and she said her old cat did that and the vet advised her to change the cat’s food—something other than poultry. So I looked for non-poultry cat food at the store last night. Do you know how hard that was??? Read the ingredients on a cat food label some time. Gross. I finally settled on a salmon dry food which listed chicken waaaaay down on the ingredient list so we’ll try that. I figured this morning when I put out her food she’d notice that difference. If she did she didn’t say anything (ha) and ate with gusto. I hope this helps—my cat friend said that the vet would gladly run tests to see exactly what food her cat had an allergy to, but that could be very expensive.

I contributed to Hillary’s campaign yesterday. I was talking to my brother last week. First, let me explain something. I came from a very political and strictly Democratic family—and that was extremely hard in staid, Republican Indiana. It was true 30 years ago and unfortunately it’s true today. My mother and father and paternal grandparents were active in local politics and instilled in all of us a sense of community service and political activity.

So a few years ago I was shocked when my brother came out as voting for Bush of all fucking people! MY brother! We’ve had some very animated conversations let me tell you.

Anyway last week Matt mentioned that he was voting for Hillary! “WHAT?” I said as I hugged him. “You’ve come home! The Prodigal Brother returns!” After he stopped laughing he said that he’s turned into a One-Issue Voter. “Any politician who is pro-stem cell research gets my vote from this day forward.” He’s a diabetic and very active with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Well, he picked the right party to support. Those SOBs in the Conservative wing of the Republican Party are convinced that stem cell research is on a par with abortion. Idiots. So my brother will vote for Hillary. YAY!


schell said...

Emma....when you switch your cat's food, you should mix the new with the old for a little while first...suddenly switching will sometimes give a cat diarehea (I'm sure that's not spelled right).
Just a little friendly advice.

UrbanStarGazer said...

I'm with your brother but . . . I couldn't live with myself if I voted for Hillary.

Our dog has food allergies, took me forever to find a food that he wasn't allergic to. Good luck with Nesta!

Anonymous said...

the vet told me that my cat is obese and malnourished at the same time and she has a barfing problem, his answer was prescription food. i laughed and laughed. i find this funny because i don't use cheapfood to begin with. i love my cat, but i'm not spending more on her food every week than i spend on mine.


The Broards said...

What brand did you settle on?

PS: HIllary will be an outstanding president!

Beanns37 said...

Emma, you may want to try premium cat food if the alergies keep up, the kind you have to buy at the pet place (like Petco). I changed to Wellness which is rediciously expensive but it's worth it to keep her healthy :)