Friday, October 19, 2007

1, 2 ,3

1. It stormed like Hell here last night. Tornado watches and warnings. Pissed me off because they'd cut into 30 Rock and The Office to show the Doppler radar and the storn cells and how they were moving across Indiana. Do they cut into the commercials? Noooooooo, right into the good parts of the shows. At one point, I took my white socks off, balled them up and threw them against the TV screen. That'll show 'em. Then Nesta batted the socks around and they went under the couch and there they sit. If I remember, I'll fish them out when I clean tomorrow. If I forget, please remind me.

2. I had a shit ass horrible motherfuckin' badass day at work yesterday. I told my Asst. that I was going to quit. She said, "Well, I'm not working here if you aren't. I'll get a damned greeter job at WalMart!" I said, "Okay. I'll start calling you 'Clanky'!" She looked perplexed, and I laughed. Anyway I hope today is better because if it's not, I'm leaving at noon.

3. There is no number three.


Anonymous said...

My job is famous! Yay!

schell said...

I've never heard anyone quite describe a day in that manner before. I like it.

Sonya said...

Did you leave at noon?

Anonymous said...

did you get blown away to Oz? are you safe?

say hi to the munchkins for me and look out for that badass witch. :)