Sunday, April 01, 2007

The First of April

I won last night's Powerball jacket and will send each of you ten thousand dollars to do with what you wish. Email me at if you want money. You must post here in my comment section what you would do with the money I send.

I'm off to a secuded South Pacific isle to bask in the sun's warmth while a dark and swarthy canaba boy leisurely applies oil over my body.

My only worry now is whether to order the pina colada or the margarita.

Have fun and I'll see you on my return.


Anonymous said...

Emma, Please donate my portion to the homeless. - blu.

schell said...

HaHa...April Fool's Day to you too!

Anonymous said...

I had to convert mine to pounds. I get about £5,000. Please can I have Liposuction, chemical peel and tummy tuck.

Bert Bananas said...

With the $4,562 that remained after I paid the taxes on your largess (Large Ass?) I would buy a new golf bag and hire a chaperon for our consummation party.

The Broards said...

if you're too dumb to know that a gift of under $11,000 is not taxable to either the giver or the receiver, you're not worthy of a damned dime.

Jenny Robin said...

In all seriousness, if I had an extra $10k in cash lying around, I'd use it for a down payment on a house.

Anonymous said...

thank you emma, i received my 10,000 dollars this morning. western union is a godsend. i was so happy when i saw the man with the little hat at the door waiting to hand me the money. i am going to use the money to get a leg wax and a botox injection for my wrinkles. i am thinking of sending meme some of the cash so she can get her leg waxed too.

Bert Bananas said...

Emma, my dumbness astounds me at times. So I can take your money and not tell the IRS about it?

Does it also mean that if I find $10,000 in an envelope on the street and deposit it in the bank and am later audited all I have to do to explain the deposit is say it was a gift and then give them the name of a dead person so they can't check it out and I'm home free? How many times can I do that in one tax year? In other words, how many 'gifts' can I receive?

Anonymous said...

You'll have to ask your tax attorney about the ifs ands buts and whatfors. As far as I know any person can give you up to $11000 in any calendar year without either you and him having to pay tax on the gift. If you can find 10 people willing to give you 10,000 each then I suppose you wouldn't have to pay tax on the initial gift. Good luck with that



leg waxes for EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clank Napper said...

Could I just post the line that Emma emailed me? It reads....

"but you're perfect . . . you don't need a tummy tuck or liposuction!!!"

Did you note she didn't say anything about chemical peel?