Thursday, April 05, 2007


Ah, Rudy G (I can him Rudy G because I’m still not sure on how to spell G-u-i-l-a-n-i) says that the voters should focus on his record and not on his personal life--his marriages, affairs and estrangement from his son. Hmmm. That sounds familiar. Newt Gingrich says that he had “sinned” in his personal life—even when he was calling for Bill Clinton’s penis on a platter. Hmmm. The Evangelical preachers who hunt for the verboten HOMO SEX when preaching that homosexuality is a SIN. What about Mitt Romney? Will it come out that he has six wives all under the age of 15? Did John McCain father little Vietnamese chillin when he was in Hotel Hanoi? Is Hillary a lipstick Lez? Does Barack like a little S&M? Does John Edwards have a woman in every port? We all know that Fred “Law & Order” Thompson is a ladies man.
Are there voters out there who believe that a President should appear to have a good marriage and respectful, clean-cut All American kids? Have we ever had such a President? The only one in recent memory I can think of is Jimmy Carter and he, although a wonderful human being, by many accounts, was a shitty president.


Anonymous said...

When your party's main platform plank is "traditional" family values, then a candidate is just asking for all his pecadillos to return to the roost and haunt him or her. If after having watched how national politics is played for the last oh 20 years, and Ridu didn't see that coming, then he's not that sharp.

Anonymous said...

Are there voters out there who believe that a President should appear to have a good marriage and respectful, clean-cut All American kids?

Yes. Or at least be good looking. One or the other will do. - blu.

Jenny Robin said...

Popular, it's all about popular.

So sayeth Glinda in the musical "Wicked" which I'm going to see on April 20th.

Jenny Robin said...

Go see the new Japanese Garden pics on my blog. They'll make you jealous. Ha ha.

Roger said...

So long as s/he doesn't fuck a person s/he's not married to, or lick the gonads of someone of the same sex, a little war and some collateral damage doesn't count.


Bert Bananas said...

You know who would probably make an excellent President? BP, that's who.

And who wouldn't be in favor of a First Lady whose blouse we could all look down?

Clank Napper said...

I always thought Bette Midler would make a very good president.

Anonymous said...

LOL Clank, and Elu, please, we've elected tons of adulters in the past.

As a politician, if you're suprised the media digs around in your past or makes your former scandals relive, then you simply aren't that smart.