Monday, February 26, 2007

Two of My Favorite Green Men

Larry David (drives a Prius; his wife Laurie is very active in environmental causes)
Ed Begley, Jr & his wife Rachelle. Living with Ed. 'Nuff said


Bert Bananas said...

"...very active in environmental causes."

I'm very active in environmental effects.

I continue to subscribe to the notion that the perceived climate changes are

a. not the product of human activity, and

b. not ameliorated by anything humans could do, even if they wanted to. Which as a race, we do not.

How many FarmAids have there been? Did they quit when all the farms were finally saved?

Carmen Diaz is out there saying that if everyone will just make one change, it'll be a start. Emma, what's your start? For my part, I'm walking to work twice a week. I win and the environment wins! Yes! Together we can end climate change!!

vq said...

"I'm very active in environmental effects."

What Bert is trying to say is that HE is the SOURCE of noxious gases.

Clank Napper said...

Is Ed Begley Jnr (Whoever the hell he is anyway) Jerry Springers long lost evil twin?