Friday, January 05, 2007

Good Morning, Mon!

For the first twenty minutes of last night's Back from Jamaica episode of The Office, I was thinking "what the heck is that in Michael's hair (mon)??" I knew it was the colors of Jamaica's flag but couldn't figure out what it was. It was his dreadlock bead! Hahahahahaha He was sporting an eighth of an inch dreadlock!
I knew a guy who went to Jamaica one summer, and he too talked like a Jamaican ("hey mon" this and "hey mon" that) upon his return for nearly a month until someone said, "Say that one more time and I'll beat you to a bloody pulp!"
The look on Michael's face when he saw he sent the sexy Jan picture to the PACKAGING Department instead of Todd (Fudge) PACKER was beautiful to behold. Kind of like he was going to vomit a little in his mouth.


Brenda said...

it was a great episode.

Anonymous said...

Mormon Missions are two years long. We had the occasional fruit cake, who as his mission was winding up, would pretend he couldn't remember how to speak English. It was a silly affectation, and it would piss us off and we won't let those clowns go to the local whore houses with us anymore.