Monday, January 01, 2007

The way I visualize numbers and months


Here’s how I’ve always seen numbers: Approximately four feet in front of me there is a straight line that starts at the tip of my left foot and goes straight across the floor toward my right foot and passes it. Number ONE starts at my left foot and in four feet increments other numbers follow. When you get to TEN, the line makes a 90 degree right angle in my direction and the double digit “teenage” numbers resume on the line until it hits TWENTY. At TWENTY the line makes another 90 degree right angle away from my direction and continues on through the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and so on into infinity. I’ve always thought it was odd that the 11 through 19 teenage years differentiate themselves from all the other years.


Imagine an ellipse. Kind of an oval, certainly not a round circle. An ellipse, kinda like a racetrack. If you looked at the racetrack as an elliptical clock, at eleven o’clock—out towards the upper left-hand side would begin the month of January. Don’t ask me why---it just has always started from that place. Working clockwise, space the months and seasons all the way around the ellipse. Toward the first curve is May and starts Spring, the second curve of the track starts Summer and the third curve starts Autumn.

I visualize man made time this way. I always have—ever since I first learned to tell time and learn the months of the year. Anyway, Happy New Year---at the eleven o-clock space near the top of the Ellipse!


Anonymous said...

This might be one of the strangest things you've ever said, Emma.

Anonymous said...

Numbers start at ground level with 0 and slowly go up the hill into infinity.

Months start at the left (with my left pinkie knuckle) and end at the right (with my right ring knuckle). Knuckles have 31 days, and valleys between knuckles have 30 (or 28/29).

To tell direction, I figure out west, and face it with my eyes closed. Then I visualize my home town, way back in West Virginia; West is toward the river, East is back toward the hill, North is towards North Elementary, and so South is what's left.

Anonymous said...

Happy new year!!! Think BP will get his wish sometime this year?

Anonymous said...

p.s. I have no idea what you're talking about here you crazy old hippie.

Anonymous said...

WTF? Emma. Lubee

Anonymous said...

It's kind of like synesthesia.

The Broards said...

What a cool link TRee

Anonymous said...

Ellipsical, which rhymes with whimsical...

Did you used to do a lot of weed?

The Broards said...

Bert, Happy New Year. Did you and the Missus have a nice New Year's Eve?

Anonymous said...

Emma, there is no such thing as a "New Year." We're just in a big ellipse around the sun. Round and round we go, and where we get off, nobody knows.

Liz and I celebrated another ellipse in a safe and sane manner, hoping that starting 2007 with a bang would be good for us. It sure was for me!

When are you going to make Urbie happy by making BP happy... or happier?

Anonymous said...

so numbers are a snakes and ladders board to you

Anonymous said...

ps I think you are weird too

vq said...

I visualize the year as a circle, too, only mine's round. It also has colors. Winter is all dark and red and purple-y, and it lightens up to palest yellow as the cicle goes towards summer.

The days of the week have color in my mind, too, and so do numbers.

Isn't the brain strange?