Friday, February 17, 2006

Never Marry a Canadian

LP is actually doing better in school. I’m stunned because he’s been bringing home papers, and even more stunned that the papers have good marks on them. Last week we were talking about his health class and I asked him what they were doing in it.
LP: Mom, I can’t believe how stupid some of these people in my class are.
Me: How so?
LP: We’re talking about prejudices and the teacher gave us a sheet of paper and one question was “which of these people wouldn’t you marry?”
Me: Who was on the list?
LP: Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, Jews, Catholics, Communists, Canadians, people like that.
Me: Canadians? (laughs) Which one do you say you wouldn’t marry?
LP: I just put down “communist” but then I got to thinking that I’d go ahead and marry a communist and then maybe change her mind.
Me: Well, why do you say some people were stupid?
LP: Most of them were saying things like “No way would I marry a Jew! They suck” “Asians are ugly.” “Catholics don’t worship Jesus, they worship statues.” I was getting madder than hell! I said ‘I am half Jewish and half Catholic. So you’re saying I suck and I worship statutes?”
Me: Good for you , Puddin. That kind of crap comes from ignorance. Most of the parents of the kids in your class have probably never been out of the State of Indiana and they haven’t met any Jews or Asians, or even Canadians. And unfortunately they pass along their ignorance to the kids. But if the kids go to college and get a little more experience with people, hopefully they’ll change their minds. But I’ll warn you against one thing.
LP: What?
Me: Never marry a Canadian, eh?
LP: Mom, you’re not even funny.
Me: So I’ve been told.


The Broards said...

That was just one question on the list. They were exploring prejudices and trying to start a dialogue about differences. Funny thing is I remember doing somewhat the same kind of stuff in one of my high school classes.

Jenny Robin said...

LPs class is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo Mid-Westernerish.

So, Emma,we're doing lunch next week, or the week after when I drive back through, right?

Kathryn said...

How about them Canadian Catholics? They are the ones who eh to statues!


vq said...

Ian has a t-shirt that says "Canada. What if they made a country and nobody came?"