Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I've gotten to the part of Shirley's Sage-ing While Age-ing where she's talking about extra-terrestrials. She believes that the Earth has been visited by ETs since forever. She has read, studied, researched these UFO sightings for a long time. We've not just been visited by one group of ETs--we've been visited by four distinct planetary visitors from various places in the universe. She reports that President Eisenhower actually met with aliens in New Mexico in the early 50's. She writes and reports on very compelling information.

Many people have reported seeing UFOs.
Personally, I don't know about other planetary vistors to Earth. I don't think about them on a daily basis. Supposedly, these visitors have given us information on cloning, among other things. It's intesting to think about.


Brenda said...

i wish they would give us a cure for cancer and magic cars that run on air and float above the ground so i could avoid the potholes showing up around here.

Bert Bananas said...

Visitors from a far advanced civilization gave us the letter Q.

I admire Shirley for being a funny woman and for... for... Well, she was just great in Irma La Douce.