Friday, October 12, 2007


It's Friday.
My assistant has jury duty today. She's bummed about it. I got called a few years ago but never actually got to serve on a jury--the defendent pled guilty a few minutes before the trial started. I still received my pay--fifteen dollars or something astronomical like that.

I hope the weather is dry this weekend--I've got 50 daffodil bulbs I want to plant.


Anonymous said...

but what about The Office?

I was on jury duty. you may remember my blogging about it. I liked it after i figured out the easiest way to get to the courthouse (by bus). we found the guy guilty on all charges and after 5 days it was all over for the next 4 years. :)

The Broards said...

The Office was fun---Michael & Jim driving to NYC for the VIP party which turned out to be a chatroom party by password invite only. haha. Andy singing to Angela.
Michael calling Angela "Booster chair" or something like

and OMG!!!!!!!!!! Meredith asking Jim to sign her CAST!!!!!!!! The look on his face!!!!!

Anonymous said...

my friend vickie just got done jury duty for a murder trial. she was the foreman and was the only hold out. the judge said they had to stay locked up until the guy was either innocent or guilty-no hanging allowed. vickie siad it was ana wful experience and she held out on guilty because they didn't have any evidence and the police files were out of order and missing. in the ned, they decided the kid was guilty of attempted murder and murder 2 but not murder 1. vickie works for the police, so she's very unforgiving when she sees shitty police work. now she's done for 12 years. i've never had jury duty, but i have a feeling it's coming in my near future.


Anonymous said...

I wish I got into the office. My brother also rants about it and says it touches a nerve because everyone who has worked in an office can relate. -blu

Anonymous said...

you don't like it blu or you just have never watched? it grows on you, like moss on a tree. it takes a while but then you are happy it is there.

Anonymous said...

well blu--at least one siblingin your family has good taste!



Anonymous said...

I love The Office, British and American versions.

I would love to do jury service but never been asked. Apparantly you have to be tolerant and cool headed. Which leaves me out.