Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Clean car

Yesterday I took my car in to get washed and detailed. I used a company on the recommendation of a friend's father.
Oh my gosh! This place did such a fantastic job! The car so clean! The wheels are shiny. The hubcaps are shiny.
My trunk had traces of potting soil and other crappola in it---now gone! Sticky stuff from Cokes in the cup holders---now gone! Believe it or not, they even cleaned the inside of BP's Butt Bucket ashtray cup! After I saw the car's interior went back inside the place and told the guy who worked on it "You did such a great job!" He said, "Thanks. The only thing that was really rough was the driver's side floormats. "
"Yeah, well they really hadn't been cleaned for three years." He gave me a "tsk tsk" look.
Even Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom couldn't find a stray hair, blood droplet or fingerprint in the entire thing.
Only problem is now I don't want even BP or LP to ride in it. One hundred dollars well spent.


Jenny Robin said...

My entire car is wipe-downable, which is WONDERFUL!

It's amazing how fast they can get dirty, though.

Anonymous said...

I'd have give it a bit of spit n polish for a tenner.

Anonymous said...

I take my car to the "sheltered workshop" about every 3 months. They do a fantastic job for $50.00 and I feel I am helping a cause. The "sheltered workshop" hires emotionally disabled persons and is self sufficent doing little jobs for some businesses.

Anonymous said...

i have owned my car for 3.5 years and it's only been washed 3 times in that time period. it wasn't too dirty until my guy's brother borrowed my car and proceeded to get stuck in the middle of a high speed police chase (it was on FOX!) and had to hit the brakes and oreo milkshake went all over the inside of my car. Apparently my idea of "go clean that shti up before it sets in" is different from his. I just can't get that oreo shit off my dashboard or out of the cup holders. I have a feeling it'd cost me more than $100 to get it cleaned up.


Anonymous said...

Umm, no offense, but that's gross you let your car get like that. Doesn't your normal $7 car wash tidy you up a bit more? Or do you not have Mexicans like we do on every corner cleaning your car for cheap? -blu

The Broards said...

you people are just jealous of the shininess of my car

Anonymous said...

when you start anything with "no offense" it means you're being offensive. why bother saying "no offense"? what's it matter if the outside of the car is dirty? not all brown, spanish speaking people are mexican. most of the people who are hispanic around here are from el salvador or peru, not mexico, and they don't work at car washes. it's the homeless people here work at car washes. i'm refusing to clean up the rest of the oreo shit that he didn't clean up because i didn't make it dirty. we're having a stand-off that i should be winning in about 2 weeks. if i clean it for him, he'll learn he can mess stuff up and i'll clean up after him.


emma, i am jealous. congrats on the detail work.

UrbanStarGazer said...

I am jealous. I need to get this done on my car as well. I was looking for something in the car the other day and disgusted by things I saw that weren't in plain view.

One day . . . when I get some time.

Waltzing Matilda said...

I live on a dirt road, and I wash/vacuum my car at least every pay day. I have a friend who doesn't understand this. She thinks it's a huge waste of money when the car is going to get covered in dust as soon as I drive home. But, you know what? There are levels of dirtiness. A car that gets washed every couple of weeks is a lot less dirty than a car that gets washed never. Besides, i think my car is pretty, and I like the way it looks when it's nice and clean.

Emma, have I told you about my boss' new Mercedes? Her rich boyfriend bought it for her. Anyway, a co-worker brought her cuttings of plants she has growing at home. My boss took one look at those cuttings and said, "I'm not putting that in my car!" I think the Mercedes is very pretty. Leather interior would be easier to clean than cloth. But, I didn't find the seats to be very comfortable.

Jenny Robin said...

I'm not jealous.


Mel, my Dad had a Mercedes as his company car a few years ago. He disliked it very much and thought it was a waste of his company's money to lease them. Since then he has had a Lincoln town car and really enjoys it. Sometimes expensive cars are very very nice, other times notsomuch.