Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Colbert Report

Last night I was watching a repeat of Stephen Colbert on The Colbert Report. He was talking about Rep. presidential hopeful and Mormon Mitt Romney. He didn't draw into question his religious beliefs but his choice in reading material.
He showed a clip of Romney being interviewed by some chick on Fox morning news. She asked Romney what his all-time favorite book was. He replied, in all sincerity, "Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard." OMG, I'll bet his political handlers were just cringing.
Why would any presidential candidate want to be associated with Scientology founder Hubbard?

(sorry, Clanky, this post has an American bent to it.)


Bert Bananas said...

Emma, this guy is a loser, and your comments seal the deal.

Here's my contribution to the evidence: Catchers Mitt was interviewed for a serious newspaper article and they certainly did touch on religion, and the peculiarities of Mormonism. When it came to plural marriage, Mitt said things that were extremely uncomplimentary about the practice, and stressed how he was happy that the practice had been "outlawed."

But for the Mormon Church, the reality is that it's only been suspended here on earth, with technical violations still possible. So he was posturing to make himself look better to the general public on a topic that probably does have "third rail" possibilities.

Mormons believe that Plural Marriage will be practiced during the Millennium and in the Hereafter, meaning "heaven." Even now a Mormon male can marry in the temple, for all time and eternity, have his wife die and marry again, for all time and eternity, thus have two eternal wives. (Wow, that'd be a great psycho-sexual murder mystery: An insane Mormon, and no, this is not redundant, who because of how twisted he is, keeps marrying in the Temple, killing his wife and doing it all over again, because he likes to kill and thinks that all there women will be his in Heaven!) Anyway, Mitt wussied out on this topic. I'm guessing he did it for 'political gain.'

Thank you for your patience.

Clank Napper said...

I read

"Last night repeat, blah de blah de blah Foxy Hubbard blah de blah..."

Anonymous said...

Colbert was hysterical on that favorite novel thing -- loved it

UrbanStarGazer said...

I'm more shocked that a mormon would be reading a scientology book.