Saturday, March 17, 2007


Top ‘o the morning to you and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Yesterday I dug out two overgrown lavender plants and today I have to cut back my ornamental grasses and that should be the end of my clean up.

I had a strange dream last night. It was not exactly cohesive, more like little vignettes strung together:

--There was a huge barn, almost empty. Apparently people had to move. Huge wooden beams exposed in the ceiling and there was a shiny brass lock on the door. I was fiddling with the lock and it came apart in my hands and I remember thinking, “Oh crap, I broke it.” But on the air appeared a map to follow to fix it. I usually hate reading directions, but I did, and repaired the lock.

--I was outside and glanced up in the air and saw this beautiful big Black woman standing up in an open chariot. I remember she was wearing a flowing red and yellow, sort of Asian-looking, gown. She was the most stunning thing I had ever seen. Two other people were with her: One was driving the chariot and the other was holding onto her legs. When they landed she was screaming excitedly that she had won the Miss America pageant. She hugged me so hard and asked if I wanted to work for her.

--I was inside of my house, in the backroom and two gigantic men came through the back door and the cat jumped up on one and they were both so interested in her, they had never seen a cat before and I said, “You need to give her back to me. She not used to you. And you need to leave my house. You don’t have permission to be here.” They smiled and handed back Miss Kiks and left.

--BP and I were riding bicycles down this very winding lane and came upon this really beautiful house. Except for grass, it was totally devoid of plantings and I said to him, “That house would be perfect with some trees, shrubs and other landscaping.” And he said, “And it needs a water feature and some bicycles or a few children’s toys out in front to show some signs of life. And all those things suddenly appeared before our eyes, and this place looked magnificent.


nagual4a said...

Since you went to the trouble to write all this I assume you are trying to find out what it means.

Dreams that are composed of many scenes or vignettes as you referred to them are what I call "epic dreams". They are about the most interesting kind because, while most people don't believe their mind is capable of it, these dreams are in fact a coherent symbolic whole. The 'vignettes' are related and comprise a symbolic analysis of something.

As I've said many times before how the dreamer "feels" about things is of the utmost importance in a dream. For example, one person had a dream where he was hit by a bus but (since the bus was driven by a naked Ann Margaret and he was unhurt)...this was a good thing. You've recorded your feelings to some degree which is good...but keep looking deeper in analyzing that aspect. Think of it this way...every single thing in a dream has meaning....anything that caused you to notice it has higher meaning. For example if you happened to 'notice' that there was a bucket of horse shoes in the barn and you had a good enough memory of the dream and the analytical skills to decipher it, you might find that each horse shoe represented a specific person you know and CAN IDENTIFY. (one legged uncle phil might be a horse shoe with one branch broken off)(old unlucky grampa jones might be the rusty one that is the only one facing downward with all the luck run out). The way you "feel" about what you "see" in a dream is the key to finding out what it means.

I dont normally do it this way but just for the hell of it I'm going to try something. I can see a possible meaning in which these "vignettes" are related so I will test it by asking you something. How did you "feel" during the bike ride? If I'm correct you were actually looking for a new place to may not have been urgently or desparately looking...but on some level thinking "heres how I would change this place so that I could live in it"??

If I'm right about this I will tell you what I believe it all means.

The Broards said...

We were riding bikes in beautiful weather and I felt joy. BP and I always talk about different areas ofthe country we'd like to live in.

nagual4a said...

Hmm....not sure whether i was right or not. Here's my first impression (very quickly as I am heading out the door for the night).

Was the barn possibly a church? Ie...why put a magic lock on an empty barn? What other building has spacious interior with exposed beams? Look for other clues as to where "the people" used the phrase they "had to move" which indicates it was unintentional. The barn/church analogy is probably religious/political (ie...the bushbots .. mindless cattle in a church/barn)which would be in keeping with the second scene:

Note that the black woman said "I just won miss america" then asked you if you wanted to go to work for her. My guess is this is your symbolic prediction of what will happen in America. I notice that the black woman had someone holding her legs....why? What color was that person...and the chariot driver? My thought is that this is your way of analyzing what will likely happen to america. In the vacuum left by white peoples inaction we will end up with a black leader who actually can't stand up on his own. More details of this part of the dream could reveal some interesting things. The fact that she was in a chariot is probably an unconscious recognition of the major flaw in black culture: Since MLK died black people have taught their children that they are "perfect". White people have done this to some degree as well and america will have hell to pay for both delusions.

Scene 3: This seems to me to be the logical fear of what follows from part 1 and 2. Ie.....strangers walk into your "house" as if they own it. Since they had never seen a cat I assume they were foreigners. A specific analysis of how they dressed and acted would probably lead you to the identity of what group they represent...what group you fear will "take over america". I'd be interested in hearing more details about this...sometimes in a dream we can "sense" what another dream character is thinking.... this 'sense' is always accurate in deciphering the dream (since you created it to begin with).

Scene 4: Emma is looking for a new house....a new america. Note that emma is on a bicycle...thus making her a slight step above most refugees ...who walk.

The major flaw in all this: We arent very likely to find another continent on which to rebuild america.

Let me know what you think or give more details if you want.

Anonymous said...

Aw, and I thought you were sending out a special message just for me.....

Bert Bananas said...

It's nice you've made a new friend, Emmakins.