Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I love Ed

My new favorite show is on HGTV Sundays at 10pm and is called Living with Ed.
Ed Begley, Jr. has been an environmentalist since 1970 and lives in a small house in Studio City CA--a far cry from the "normal" "successful" Hollywood actor. His house is all-green: He generates his own electricity (he bikes 50 minutes to power the toaster to make his morning toast,) has solar panels atop his house, has a white picket fence made out of recycled milk jugs,catches rainwater in barrels to recycle it, and buys post consumer recycled paper and other goods, and recycles paper and plastic products. He "lives simply so that others may simply live." He's forever on the roof doing something--sweeping and cleaning the solar panels, cleaning gutters, etc. His wife worries that 1. he'll fall off ("I'd never know how to do all this solar stuff if he dies") and 2. wonders if his life insurance policy is paid and up-to-date.

He's a Green Dream. Except, of course to his wife Rachelle, who came to Hollywood to become an actress and live in an Aaron Spelling-type house. She says she can't leave home without returning to something else Ed's cooked up . . he calls her "the Commandant." LOL. He runs the house like a ship "the SS Begley," and she whines "It's not a ship, Ed! It's a house!" A modern day Green Acres.
It's both fun and informative--it's Funormative!!! And I love Ed Begley, Jr!!

Ed's Website


Anonymous said...

People who can "Walk their talk" are to be admired.

Emma, you see any indication that LP or any of his friends are planning to play Texas Hold'em for a living?

Anonymous said...

I've seen the commercials for the show, and they've always made me think of you, Emma. I haven't seen an actual episode yet, 10:00 is past my bedtime.