Monday, October 23, 2006


Nothing new at Mom’s. She wanted to go to Applebee’s for lunch (It was nasty.) I took her shopping. Then home, where she insisted on watching the Notre Dame game until she wanted me to drop her off at church for Saturday mass. The church is two minutes from her house—you can literally see it out the front door and across a meadow, and mass on Saturday begins at 5:30, so when did she want to leave? 4:00. That’s right 4:00, partly because UCLA scored a touchdown and she can’t stand to watch when Notre Dame’s losing. I think they eventually won, but who knows. So I took her over there at 4, and went home to make chili for dinner. My oldest sister and her daughter and friend joined us at 7 for din-din.

So, I’m taking off of work today and tomorrow and want to get a few things accomplished, mainly plant a bag of 50 daffodils, and get my desk cleaned off and in order. That should take the entire two days.

If you’ve a mind to Christmas shop: Here’s want I want:


Anonymous said...

I want that portrait too. Crap. You'll probably outbid me.

Waltzing Matilda said...

OH come on!!!!

Meme said...

have either of you two considered getting a bob ross painting kit and painting some Happy little trees to spare you bleeding family from having to stare at the fucking awful portrait of someone who in 20 years time you'll think was possibly one of your cousins on your mothers side but you can't remeber who and isn't it time for your tablet anywayand why does no one come to visit youin the home these days

Anonymous said...

Mum, that's Stephen Colbert. He's no run of the mill subject. He's the stuff dreams are made of. (And proceeds go to charity, Mel. Have a heart.)

Anonymous said...

"What The Critic says:
While certainly not the first work to champion metastasis, assymetry, topography, decay, multiplicity, and, crucially, mischief in the quadrolinear plane-- and let's not resign the vanguard to mere chronology, for Clobbmann's "Auto-Clobb" did exemplify this alchemy quite potently, and more than twelve years ago-- the "Colbert" is truly, irrefutably, a masterwork: colorist in its flair, theorist in its proclivity, dadaist in its zeitgeist. If there's one painting you buy on eBay this year...

--S. Adam LeBaz, Art Critic"

My Bam is Boozled. I am presuming this is some sort of joke?

Anonymous said...

I think it;s just a load of pretentious clap trap,brian sewell with an american accent ::: shudders at the thought::::

The Broards said...

Tree, some people just don't get it

Anonymous said...

I'd say SC is one of the strongest dissenting voices we have right now, all cloaked in the pomposity of that portrait.

Anonymous said...

probably cos neither stroppy or i have ever heard of the bloke