Friday, February 10, 2006

Updates and Dubya is a Moron

**Nesta came through her spaying just fine. The two vet assistants we talked to praised our kitty as being “sweet and cuddly,” and “a great patient.”

**Hm. Dubya has claimed not to know disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff (I get my picture taken with lot of people), but Jack ‘Off’s email shows he had dozens of meetings with Dubya. Maybe Dubya was dreaming of one of his 3-month long vacations to Crawford Texas in each one of those meetings. An aside: The Daily Show showed a snippet of Coretta King's funeral and commented that Dubya felted uncomfortable because in that entire crowd of people the only one who voted for him was Laura.

**Project Runway: I hope the Final Three are Chloe, Daniel and Santino (just for laughs.) Daniel needs to win. The dress he created from muslin, leaves and flowers was gorgeous.
(Heidi Glum is still the most boring reality show host ever.)

**The Office update:
Michael showed a genuine sweet side when he told the Big Cheese that he made up the story of him and Jan sleeping together. Self disgust showed on Jan’s face when she kissed Michael at the elevator. His movie presentation was hilarious. “A Michael Scott Joint.” Haha!

Dwight got a Bobble-head made in his own image from secret crush Angela for Valentine’s Day. He had that “Oh-my-God,-someone-I-like-gave-me-a- Valentine!” look of joy down pat.

Jim was so patient with chatterbox Kelly. But the star of the show was receptionist Pam who got increasingly disgusted having to deliver all of Phyllis’ Valentine booty, sent by her boyfriend Bob Vance (Vance Refrigeration) to her. When confronted, Pam’s slacker fiancé of three years, Roy, promised her “the best sex she’s ever had.” Yawn. Pam wanted something tangible to be delivered to The Office


schell said...

Your blog reminds me of ransom notes with all those fonts and colors you use.

Sonya said...

Santino is such a dick. I don't like Daniel's I-just-got-out-of-bed hair.