Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Dead to Me

I’m stealing Stephen Colbert’s DEAD TO ME idea. On The Colbert Report (if you haven’t yet seen this show, you’re stupid and worthless because it’s one of the best shows on television) he keeps a list of Things/People who are Dead to him (shades of Nixon’s Enemies List!)

Dead to me:

Grammy Awards. They try to be hip, but aren’t.

Razors. I’m growing armpit hair long enough to double as a shawl.

The United States Supreme Court. It might be a court, but it’s not supreme.

February. What good is this month? It’s Black History Month, sure. We celebrate President’s Day in it, but will I get a Happy President of Emmerica day Hallmark card? Probably not. It’s a good-for-nothing month.

Coworkers who go to Hawaii for vacation and bring back turtles made of little seashells as gifts. I don’t want a turtle made of tiny seashells, sporting wire glasses, and a wee straw hat sitting on my computer tower.

People who schedule meetings but expect someone else to set the agenda. I don’t even want to meet with you much less set the damn agenda.

People who use bath towels as car seat covers.

Squirrrels. ‘Nuff said.


Sonya said...

Emma, I used to look forward to the Daily Show. But now that Colbert is around, TDS pales in comparison. Colbert is a genius and his show flies by so fast...

schell said...

Dead to me:
According to Jim
The lady I carpool to work with

Meme said...

dead to me
my old blog

Meme said...

anyone with a vile green blog will soon be dead to me too :P

Orbie/\;;/\ said...

Ok I see that my being a slacker kicked me off the powerball list.... I still want the meet in Madison though!

I am just feeling cranky because you have more snow than me