Saturday, May 31, 2008

Storms and a guerdon for a Geeky Kid

Holy crappola. We had S_T_O_R_M_S last night. Thunder and lightening and more lightening and tornado warnings. Our poor, poor kitty spent the whole night either under the couch or under the green chair. She came out once to go to her litter box and that cat was "low-crawling" across the floor.
In between the going to the basement because of tornado warnings, I watched the Scripps Natioshnul Speeling Beee. Those kids ASTOUND me! They must just study and study and study the dictionary and other word books "Is there an alternate pronounciation?" "What is the origin of the word?" "Can you use it in a sentence please?" The same questions over and over. The winner was Sameer something from West Lafayette, Indiana!!! YAY Sameer, you adorable nerdy geek!!!! You won!!! I think last night the print in front of his name said he wanted to be a neuro-surgeon. YAY for you Sameer! He won on the word "guerdon" which means "reward." Very appropriate.


Anonymous said...

You really should watch Spellbound, you would love it, it was even nominated for an academy award. Yes, he wanted to be a neurosurgeon. -blu

schell said...

Did I ever tell you I won the state spelling bee when I was in 7th grade?

I didn't? That's because it's not true.

Gail said...

I've ever hear most of those words and I watch Jeopardy every night!

Anonymous said...

Did you see SATC yet? Tree hated it and I loved it, for the same reasons actually. - blu

fezidian said...

I love to watch those spelling bee finals...very suspenseful!