Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Not much to post about today, but I'm thinking about opening a Roth IRA! But I bet most of you had already heard something about that.

I'm in the process of researching the most ghastly, druggie, air-polluting, water-polluting companies to give my money to. Any suggestions?


Sonya said...

How about investing the in war industrial complex? Try Halliburton or Blackwater.

Anonymous said...

You should have put all your money into HAL in 02 when it was 19 bucks a share . It's since split 3 times and last i looked was selling around 50 bucks. Great company that works on the continuing problem of halitosis in humans . allan

Anonymous said...

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Actually Bidet showed some vulnerability in her posts, one could see where her anger was coming from, desperate to blame, and if she was nicer I would pity her, but alas, I don't really care about her troubles.


Gail said...

Not really, but BigPharma is always a good bet ;-) Of course, with the aging population, it's also a good investment, but somehow I don't think that point would go over well on the main blog. A Roth IRA is a wonderful tool to enable you to save for retirement-so get thee to a financial advisor ASAP and open one. However, one word of caution that we learned the hard way..there is a limit on income that would allow you to add to the Roth OR a traditional IRA-adding to the wrong one will cause problems when tax time rolls around again, or contributing to one and your income exceeds the limit. A knowledgeable financial advisor is worth his/her weight in gold. We use A.G.Edwards and have been well pleased with the results. In any case, don't plan on Soc. Sec. to be there for you so make your plans NOW for another vehicle for retirement. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

the arms trade is always a good investment

The Broards said...

Gail, thanks for info.

Tree, me being a shareholder alongside Cheney? No thanks.

blu, I agree 100%. Had she been coherent enough in her first post, she may have gotten some sympathy and understanding . . . but it's Biddy, fer crissakes.

Al, never heard of it

Sonya said...

I was kidding.

The Broards said...

I know

Anonymous said...

i get to retire in 25 years and then if i felt like it, i could get another state job and bilk them for all they're worth when i'm actually old enough to retire.

i feel bad for bidet. A lot of the parents of the kids i work with are just like her. their kids are ill or have serious problems. the parents are so full of anger, blame, and frustration because in the end, there's no one to blame and they really just need to accept it and move on.


The Broards said...

JIlly, True . . but every body has something "wrong" with them . . .or a medical challenge. Everyone has their own cross to bear (as my mom would say)
Biddy probably blames herself for her son's illness (a lot of parents do this) and she wants to lash out . . . and I, for whatever reason, was her target this time.

Anonymous said...

i know emma. i wish i could charge some parents with abuse for their actions. i work with one kid who has downs syndrome and put her daughter in all regular classes. the kid's only friends are in the special ed classes with the other kids at her level. the other kids are okay with her but teenagers don't want to hang out with the MR kid in class. the girl can't do the work that these kids do, doesn't understand the social dynamics etc. she's under a lot of pressure and is depressed which leads her to become upset and act out in ways like go to the bathroom in her pants and then scream. if my child was in class with her, i'd probably protest because this behavior is unacceptable. educational policy makers need to realize that inclusion is only good for some people.

the other MR kids put on a play a few weeks ago and the girl wanted to be in it so bad, but her parents said no because they felt that her hanging out with other MR kids would stunt her emotional growth. she wasn't allowed to be in the play nor allowed to go see it. we took her to see it anyway. when she's allowed to be with her peers, she's a different person. she laughs, doesn't have her behavior issues and is a pleasure to work with.

i get so angry at her parents. her mom is an atty. and really believes that one day her daughter will just "snap out of it" and just wake up and not be MR. it's often the most educated people who have the most trouble accepting their children with disabilities.

you're right about bidet probably blaming herself or her husband. They have found no links between vaccines and autism, and the latest data is a mixture of genetic factors, mainly from the father's side, that probably cause it. i can see why she'd cling to blaming the rich evil drug companies and not let it all go.
