Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dinner Conversation

With different schedules BP , LP and I unfortunately rarely have dinner together. Dinner time when I was growing up was a major production---what with 2 parents, 2 grandparents and seven kids. We almost always had political discussions—usually with my beloved grandfather railing against the Russians, whom he called “Rooshans.”

Being the outspoken dudette that I was, when I was in junior high, I remember getting into almost a knock down, drag out fight with my Dad about the Vietnam War demonstrations going on at Wabash College. Even though he was a Democrat, he was also a former Marine, and he was a “support the president, right or wrong” kind of a man. Having lived through Reagan, Bush 1 and some of Dubya, he outgrew that stance. He was almost as rabidly anti-Republican as Naggy poo and Bly are.

Well anyway, this evening BP, LP & I had a very nice dinner discussing (of all things) the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Cold War.. LP couldn’t believe it when I told him that, in grade school, we had regular “duck & cover” drills in the hallways so we’d be prepared in the event that the Rooshans dropped the Big One on us.


Brenda said...

we don't have many family dinners anymore either. however, when we do, it usually turns into a giant laugh, don't chokefest.

Anonymous said...

Emma - With all those brothers and sisters, you should do Schell reminiscent postings. - blu

Clank Napper said...

I can't believe it either. You were so lucky to have such a big family. I was an only child and so is my daughter. I would have loved siblings for me and her.

Anonymous said...

oh blu reminds me, how's the nun?


Anonymous said...

its that kind of chat I most miss Jack being here for. We had loud argumentative dinner in our family too , that and peruvian flies

Gail said...

I'm an only child and so's my daughter. I suppose since I don't know what I missed, I didn't (and don't) mind being an only and I was an only grandchild on the paternal side of the family. I will admit freely and without shame, that I was spoiled rotten and enjoyed every minute.

The Broards said...

When LP complains about the lack of siblings I always tell him that since he's an only child, he's gotten a lot more advantages than if he had been one of seven----we contended with hand me down clothes and shoes, scarcity of money for extra curricular activities . . . music lessons . . etc. It's a trade off. The grass is always greener . . .that kind of thing

The Broards said...

When LP complains about the lack of siblings I always tell him that since he's an only child, he's gotten a lot more advantages than if he had been one of seven----we contended with hand me down clothes and shoes, scarcity of money for extra curricular activities . . . music lessons . . etc. It's a trade off. The grass is always greener . . .that kind of thing

Gail said...

I don't remember Heather ever complaining about being an only. Maybe she figured out early the material advantages of being an only chick.