Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm tired of posting stuff.


Anonymous said...

Emma, You need to post, you're one of the few blogs that update almost daily and have things to discuss other than the weather. - blu

Brenda said...

take a nap.

Clank Napper said...

C'mon Miss Emma. Buck up :o)

Anonymous said...

anything new in the yard? i'm getting ready to start a patio project, and i think i'll make some pretty containers to scatter around it when i'm done. my adopted cat has decided to make my neighbor's raised flower beds into his litter box. i'm sure she'll let me know about it as soon as she figures it out. i have no idea what to do about this (beyond alex's constant "kill the cat" idea).


Anonymous said...

Jilly, They sell pellets in the pet store for outdoor use to deter cats and dogs from going there. I tried using indoors on a carpet problem area and the cat shit on them, but maybe you'll have better luck. -blu

The Broards said...

You can buy your neighbor some chicken wire and bury it in the raised beds and cover it with mulch....The cat will scratch and not like it and go somewhere else.


Lots of new garden stuff. I'll take pictures. My chives, dame's rocket and columbine are blooming. My poppies, irises and lupines are just about ready to pop too