Thursday, September 27, 2007

They got my goat

Capricorn is symbolized by the goat. Your ruling planet is Saturn and your element is earth. Capricorns are often excellent in matters of business. You are extremely protective of your loved ones and belongings, but you have a tendency to overthink things and worry too much. You are very stubborn, especially when you think you know best, but with this come a great passion for all things. Your best romantic matches are Taurus, Scorpio, and Leo.


Bert Bananas said...

Which zodiacal sign houses those people who are not extremely protective of their loved ones and belongings? The people of which signs are just right protective of their loved one? Which ones are under protective of their loved ones and belongings? Inquiring minds, and thieves, want to know.

Anonymous said...

"Which zodiacal sign houses those people who are not extremely protective of their loved ones and belongings?"

The house of Susan Smith I guess


Anonymous said...

We aquarians don't believe in horoscopes

Anonymous said...

You are stubborn.... but I am starting to admire stubborn people. I have the talent to understand all sides of an argument and I can never make up my mind. I'm a Libra, we tend not to be able to make decisions easily. -blu

schell said...

Capricorn (Dec 23 - Jan 22) You are conservative and afraid of taking risks. You are basically a chickencrap. There has never been a Capricorn of any importance. You should kill yourself

Anonymous said...

not to change the subject, but what did you think of The Office last night emma?

i am a gemini. the twins which explains my split personality. have you noticed it?

You attract a variety of people with your great charm, and you have a natural ability to gain admiration. You'll feel energized by the opposite sex

Anonymous said...


Absolutley perfect at all times. All other signs should just give up striving for your excellence.

Anonymous said...

hah Schell. That's the sort that always makes me glad to be on that Sag/Cap cusp hee hee.

UrbanStarGazer said...

That describes Capricorns to some extent . . . but it should also explain that female Capricorns born near the middle of January tend to be mentally unstable.

I'm a Leo/Virgo which means that I'm picky and very aggressive about it.

Anonymous said...

>but it should also explain that female Capricorns born near the middle of January tend to be mentally unstable.

not nice of you to talk about me like that. :'(