Friday, September 28, 2007


1. Spidey, I taped The Office and will watch it today. I had to see if CSI's Sara Sidle survived Natalie Davis, The Miniature Killer's, attempt to murder her by throwing her under a red car and leaving her bruised, battered and half lucid in the Las Vegas desert. With the likes of the sexy Gil Grissom, Catherine Willows, Warrick Brown, Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders, Lt. Jim Brass and the goofy lab guy Hodges all looking for her, there was little doubt in my mind that she'd survive. I did cheat and switch over to The Office on commercials and gathered that the EVIL DWIGHT SHRUTE caused harm to Angela's cat Sprinkles, and The Temp Ryan seems a little too big forhis britches now that he's the new Jan Levinson-Gould (no Gould now.)

2. Schell, liar! There are Capricorns of importance! Jesus was a Capricorn. Not to mention Richard Milhous Nixon and the loveable Sassytmbr from the Book Shelf! So you can just take back that little statement.

3. It's Friday.

4. I went to the doc's office yesterday. He wanted to see me before he gave me another blood pressure prescription. I told him about a two-month-long cough I had. He immediately said that it was a side effect of the brand of BP medicine, so he switched me to another kind--which made sense because that's how long I've been on the BP stuff. He said that the cough should clear up within a week. Praise the Lord and pass the gravy!

5. I have no plans for the upcoming weekend other than to help LP fill out work applications, and to clean my living room. I'll probably rearrange the furniture too.

Have a pleasant day.


Anonymous said...

let me know when you watch it so we can chat about it. i hope you taped it for an hour. it was a long episode.

i am not superstitious,
i am a littlestitious.

Sonya said...

Isn't that called ace-inhibitor induced cough?

The Office was fun, but an hour is a bit too long.

Anonymous said...

good luck to LP getting a job, and good luck to you helping LP get a job.


schell said...

that was my favorite line from the show.

Anonymous said...

Let me know if I can speak about CSI with impunity here!

UrbanStarGazer said...

They have medicines for your husband?