Monday, September 17, 2007

Patron Tequila & Wenis Penis

Girl's Night Out was fun, but I only stayed a few hours. The food was so-so, but I have a new love: Patron tequila.
I'm not much of a drinker but there was a margarita special: $7.50 for a margarita made with Patron tequila. My. Oh, my was it tasty.
I looked up this company. Here's the website. But don't click on it if you're woozy--there are a bunch of tequila bottles and they're all moving. But it's made with 100% agave tequila so that's what makes it special. Try it.
There were ten of us, and one brought her husband with her. He's a cop. But he's a fun cop so it was okay.
We played Wenis Penis. You name a guy--mostly guys at work, or you could do celebrities.
Say a name. Go around the table. If you'd fuck the guy you say "Penis." If he's unfuckable you'd say "Wenis."
I wouldn't do one guy at work, so it was all "wenis" to me.
Now, if I worked with a PTBunkum, or a Naggypoo, my answer would have changed.


schell said...

So, David Letterman - penis
Ryan Seaccrest - wenis?

Anonymous said...

i enjoy fun cops and tequila, just not together usually.

my friend vickie started a new job working for the local police and now spends her days riding around with various officers "training." they really just drive around and wait for a call to come in.

last week she told one of them she'd never seen a hooker before, so they set off to find hookers. he took her to a large sex toy shop near a trailer park settlement and pointed out the hookers and told her that the bleach smell mean's it's not a bad place to shop at.

i really wish i could have seen the look on her face. i asked her to invite him over sometime because he sounds like someone who'd be entertaining to talk to. tomorrow i'll ask her if this guy is a penis or a wenis.


Anonymous said...

ew david letterman?!


Anonymous said...

He sounds like a penis. I would have to say wenis for letterman because I have an aversion to people with gaps between their front teeth :oD

Anonymous said...

wenispenis how about an update?

Anonymous said...

This blog template does not reflect your inner beauty, MizEmma. Maybe No. 565?

Anonymous said...

Fucking update. -blu