Friday, August 17, 2007

Updates and Stuff

1. The bathroom. The shower, bath, vanity and toilet are functional. BP had to go back to work so he still has to do the ceiling light and vent, the walls and trim. I told him that if I felt like it, I’d clean the baseboards and the door, and paint them. We’ll see.

2. Tomorrow LP and I are meeting my sister for lunch and shopping.

3. My assistant’s husband called her at noon today and told her to high tail it home and take him to the emergency room. She called 911 and got an ambulance to the house. Now you know it’s bad when a man admits to being sick and demands to go to the ER. Turns out his hernia was about ready to burst and his colon (or some other innard part) was twisting around his bowel and if left a few more hours could have ruptured----gangrene—and death. He had emergency surgery. So he’ll be in the hospital for at least 5 days—the second day and the third are the worst and will tell the docs whether or not they’ll have to take him to surgery again. Oy.

4. Remember that Hoosier Raffle I blogged about in June? I bought tickets with my oldest sister and my youngest sister and we won $1000. Split three ways. Hmm. Better than a kick in the ass, I guess.

5. I’m glad it’s Friday night


Anonymous said...

i would say $333.33 is better than a kick in the pants anyday.

who gets the extra penny? ;)

Jenny Robin said...

best wishes to your assistant's husband

Anonymous said...

why he couldn't cal 911 himself is one of life's mysteries. good luck to him and her.

what color will the bathroom be?


schell said...

Congratulations on the win! And, not having to pee in a bucket!

UrbanStarGazer said...

So . . . is BP gonna start on that second bathroom now?