Thursday, August 16, 2007

For Spidey

My computer at home keeps shutting down when I turn it on, so something's funky. BP said he'd look at it--he said there's dust probably clogging it, so he was going to take the hard drive out to the garage and blow it out---but he's still working on the bathroom.

I used his laptop last night for awhile, but I hate not having a mouse.

I watched Last Comic Standing last night but wasn't too impressed with any of them.

I like your Question of the day thing--but the physical appearance question is interesting. Do most people think they are "average"? I don't think most ugly people will 'fess up to being ugly, and most physically attractive people will probably be too embarrassed to say so for fear of being called conceited.

I see a lot of people throughout the day and I 'd estimate that only 5 to 10% are what I consider attractive. the rest are average-looking, with a few fuglies thrown in.


Sonya said...

Emma, you probably need a new fan for your computer. That's happened to me over the years and symptoms were exactly the same.

You can plug a mouse into a laptop. Get a cheap USB mouse.

I am average looking.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the update!
i watched the LCS last night too and i didn't laugh once.

i unfortunatly see alot more fuglies than i would like.

i on the other hand am a natural beauty.

The Broards said...

I called BP and a conversation about Tree transpired:

Me: Tree says my pc needs a new fan.

BP: No it doesn't. The heat sink on the CPU needs blown out. I looked at it last night.

Me: Are you sure? Tree's a pretty smart cookie.

BP: Now, who's Tree again?

Me: WHO'S TREE???? She's the smart cookie from the bookshelf website.

BP: Oh yeah. And you expect me to keep up with your bookshelf friends AND get the pc blown out AND finish that bathroom?

Me: Yes. And please do so by noon. Love ya, bye

Anonymous said...

What if Tree has been replacing fans all these years when all she needed to do was blow out her heat sink.
(Okay, I've turned myself on again...)

Anonymous said...

emma, i agree with you 100% about ow people look. It's something stupid to get worked up about anyway.

last year i worked with one woman who was just beautiful, like hollywood quality after airbrushing, but real. i'm not a hag, but i'm just "cute" and i've come to terms with it. Anyway, at the start of the year, i didn't go out of my way to know her, i was scared she'd be snotty.

towards the middle of the year we were assigned to the state testing thing together and i got to know her. i usually avoid getting to know any of the office people because they're all middle aged catty bitches (and they lack wit). None of them are ugly, they're just plain-average looking women of a certain age.

Anyway, I found Kathy (Ms. beautiful) in the bathroom crying one day. The office bitches were constantly mean to her and she was just fed up with it. we had a long talk about it and I explained to her that they're mean to everyone but that they pick on her and spread rumors because she's beautiful. I never thought i'd actually feel bad for someone for being that beautiful, but i actually did. Kathy is a great person and I'm glad I got to know her and feel ashamed that I didn't bother to be friendly at the start of last year based off looks.


Sonya said...

I will always defer to BP. He's handy. You should keep him.

schell said...

The other day, I went to pick my neice up at the day care where her mom works in the summer, and there were about 25 toddlers there. I'm saddened to say, there were quite a few that weren't what you'd call cute. Now, I've seen baby pictures of myself, and I won no prizes, but I was really surprised at how many uncute little kids there were.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I am conceited by saying I am better than average looking. I am happy with my looks, sure there are a few things I would like to change, actually there aren't come to think of it, I am perfect. - blu

Anonymous said...

I've never seen you blu but I bet you'd be even better looking to most people if you had a nicer personality. Something to think about. ;-)

Anonymous said...

In addition to being beautiful, I am also the sweetest person I know!! - blu

Anonymous said...


i keep thinking about your last post and i have to say this. the people in NYC aren't really well known for their hospitality or sweetness, and i've never experienced niceness first hand from the natives while in NYC, so i don't think you being the nicest person you know really means much personally.

it reminds me of when one of my kids braggs about having the highest grade in the class. I will admit that it's been 1.5 years since my last trip to NY, so the city and all it's natives could have changed in that time.

Moreover, I don't know you in real life, so you could be different in real life than you are here. Not that it matters, but i dont think you're an awful shrew, just not the sweetest person ever, but who cares if you are or not? i think it'd be boring to be the sweetest person ever.


The Broards said...

I absolutely loved my trip to Manhattan a few summers ago, and EVERY New Yorker that I encountered was positively cordial and pleasant.

I think the "rude New Yorker" is a stereotype that is not valid. You can find rude and unpleasant people in small towns and suburbs too--I don't think living in a big city has anything to do with anything

mavis sidebottom said...

i was suprised by my pulling power with blokes then I realised I have big tits and none of them look at my face

Anonymous said...

What Emma said. Jilly, I think you are incorrect in generalizing, I could say the same for non-New Yorkers not being smart enough to recognize sarcasm - as I was obviously being sarcastic in stating I was the sweetest person I know.

Matter of fact, I am not a sweet person in real life. I don't like most people and rarely go out of my way for people except for family and a few friends - the rest can usually go fuck themselves for all I care. What I am, is polite with polished manners and I have a good heart for those I care about.

- blu

UrbanStarGazer said...

Emma -- I agree about NYC. I was there for three months in 2003 and everyone was amazingly nice, polite, etc. It blew my mind. However, every native New Yorker I mentioned this too said that things changed after 9/11. That it wasn't always that way.

I agree about the percentage of humans that are above average in the looks department. I'm always amazed when I go somewhere -- like Disneyland in the Summer -- where there's a huge cross-section of humanity (rich, poor, young, old, all ethnicities, etc.) to see that probably 99% are unattractive.

In the looks department I'd say that I'm above-average but, that said, it's all relative. I've been called everything from cute to beautiful and everything in between. I've had men pass me on the street and walk back to tell me how beautiful they think I am . . . I've had men walk past me on the street and stop and grab me and swing me around and tell me I'm beautiful . . . and . . . I've had people pass me on the street and not notice me so . . . beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I was once on a plane and there was a man who was in a seat across the aisle and one row ahead of me. I noticed him because he was dressed in a nice suit and he was gorgeous. In the row behind him (right across from me) were three 18 to 20ish girls all very cute and bubbly and trying to catch his attention. He kept sitting up and looking back behind him and I figured he was flirting with the girls. I had my hair all pulled back in a ponytail, no makeup on at all and was sitting there reading a book. When the plane stopped in Los Angeles, the gorgeous guy was leaving the plane and he made it all the way to the front of the plane and then started making his way back, squeezing past all the other people trying to get off, people were getting pissed, etc. He made it to our row and I was laughing to myself thinking he'd decided to pay attention to the 3 bubbly blonde girlies and, he came up to me and said that he just couldn't get off the plan without telling me that I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. That I took his breath away. He repeated it a couple of times - how beautiful he thought I was, how he just couldn't leave without telling me, etc., and . . . I didn't know what to say so I just said something like, "Oh! Thanks!" He smiled and stared at me for a minute and then headed up the aisle looking back the whole way.

Now, I've had many other men pay attention to me and make comments on my looks but, I think this guy stands out because of the fight he had to put up to get back to where I was. And, the thing that's interesting to me about the incident is that . . . I've probably not known anyone before or since who thought I was that beautiful. Does this mean I'm all that and that beautiful? Nope, it just means that I apparently fit that man's idea of beauty. But I have to admit . . . it's a fond memory. It sometimes pops into my head and I wonder what would have happened if I'd done anything more than just blush, smile and say thanks?

Anonymous said...

okay, urbs. now we must see a picture of you.

Anonymous said...

Good shit, Urban--that plane story sounds just like a fucking "Gee Your Hair Smells Terrifc" shampoo commercial!


Anonymous said...

ha, ha Emma.

I bet Urbs is an exotic looking chick.

- blu

Anonymous said...

Urbs, and you didn't follow up with a airport fuck? I think I would have. Oh and the same thing happened to me at the mall, or the movie theater, or was it at Fenway? I'm not sure, I woke up before I got a clear vision. However I am a head what if they mostly are turning's still a head turn damnit !!! :-)

Anonymous said...

when a cop tells you to fuck off when you ask for help, it's a sign something is very wrong with a city. this was before 9/11, but i haven't ever given money to the NYPD charities and never will because of it, same as i'd stop sending money to my local law enforcemnt charaties if i'd experienced it here.

sure there are nice and mean people anywhere, city or town, however, in all of my trips pre 9/11 and post, it wasn't the native NYCers who were kind, and that's how i'll base all my personal opinions, like you'll base yours off your own experiences.
