Monday, January 15, 2007

MLK, Jr Day, Teenagers, Potato Soup and Abortions

Happy Day Off. I told LP last night that it's ironic that kids don't have to go to school today, because King was so very pro-education. He knew that education was the only way out of poverty and he urged children to get as much education as possible. So what happens on MLK, Jr. Day? No school for kids. The way of the world.

If there was ever a national holiday for me, I want it to be in May or June, when the weather is good and people can get their fat asses outside and do something nice. You can't go on a picnic on January 15th. (Shaddup Bert and Lubee--out there in warm weather States)

Anyway, I made a wonderful leek, carrot and potato soup yesterday and I'll have leftovers for lunch today. I'll feed some to LP if he's home from running around with his friends. BP will be home tonight, and he'll get something special.

"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. Theyignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions.Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?" This is attributed to either Socrates or Plato and I don't care which one, if either, said it. It was true when and it's true now. Blech.

I read today that two Indiana legislators are introducing a bill that before an abortion is performed, the doctor would have to counsel the woman that "life begins at conception" and "the fetus feels pain." South Dakota already has a law like this? What the fuck is wrong with people?

Lawmakers: Keep your nose out of our collective vagina! I sent a YouTube clip of Wanda Sykes to Tree. Wanda says the no one is "pro-abortion, they're Pro-Choice." Women don't get together and say, Gurrrl, let's do something crazy today! Let's go have abortions! You in?


Anonymous said...

That was a great clip, Emma. I watched it as I tried to do a practice W2. I know I sound whiny, but I am so sick of January.

Anonymous said...

"BP will be home tonight, and he'll get something special."

Hooray! BP is getting a BJ from PP!!

Re Wanda's comment, there's point of view you could take, that once you're pregnant, you're either pro-baby or pro-abortion. Turning it around to say that you're pro-choice is just taking the "I'm killing my baby" out of the dialog.

Naturally you'll all remember that I am totally pro-abortion; I think abortions should be mandatory for any pregnancies caused by rape, incest or when the female doesn't know her baby-daddy's last name or address.