Friday, December 22, 2006

Recruiting Donald Trump

His name calling of Rosie O'Donnell---"ugly" "unattractive" "loser" (why, she's a "gay looser"!!!!) "fat", etc . . .I was thinking he would fit right in on the BookShelf. Hell, he might even go on there incognito.
Maybe he was Wolfy, pining for Parker Posey.
Maybe he was Sassy pretending to be a professor.
C-c-c-could he be ILove??
Anyway, I think Trump's a turd, an unclassy (if that's a word) turd.
So he's going to sue Rosie. Ha. Truth's a defense to slander. Trump is a sleazy snake oil salesman.
Have you seen the ads for The Apprentice? It's in Los Angeles this time. Stupid. Trump's associated with New York and he's bailing. Plus, no Carolyn--Ivanka's taking her place. I won't watch it and I hope it tanks.


Speaking of tanks . . . ."Tanks" go out to Orbie for her Christmas card and family letter. I enjoyed it. Thanks Orbie!!


Orbie/\;;/\ said...

merry merry :)

The Broards said...

"O'Donnell made light of the feud on Thursday's show. She pointed to her wife, Kelli, in the audience and said, "I was afraid to leave her home in case someone with a comb-over came and stole her from me," which prompted wild laughter."


Anonymous said...

What I love about Rosie and The Donald is ...

On a separate topic, what did you get me for Christmas?

Anonymous said...

Whenever someone sinks to personal insults like that you know it always amazes me. Soooo childish.