Sunday, October 29, 2006

The good thing about having a teenager is that he’s more independent; he’s spreading his wings, stays out with his friends and tries to find his own way in life. The bad thing about having a teenager is that he’s more independent; he’s spreading his wings, stays out with his friends and tries to find his own way in life. On the weekends he’s rarely home except to sleep and shower and occasionally eat. I miss him.


Anonymous said...

Hi Emma.
I miss my teenagers too!


Anonymous said...

Not to worry; teenagers usually check in when they need money.

Brenda said...

kathryn is right emma. he will show up for cash. stand outside the bathroom when he is showering and yell through the door. he will have no choice but to listen. he will also call you when he has to go to the ER or doctor. the time it takes for the doctor to come in the room will provide at least 30 minutes of his attention. offer to take him for lunch..use fast food as the bait. they usually can't refuse that. you could also try crying. that sometimes guilts them into standing in one spot for awhile, until their cell phone goes off. you could use drastic measures and tell him you are going to the mall, does he want a ride? then drive far out of town and stay over night at a resort. prepack a bag for him. he will have no choice but to spend the evening with you. good luck. i know your pain honey.

Meme said...

its the biggest cause of upset in our house, the teen wants to be out with his mates having fun and my husband thinks he shouldbe back in at 8.30 and home for every meal and go to bed at 9 ,its turning our house into a fecking nightmare

Waltzing Matilda said...

Emma I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

Emma, It's bittersweet really. I know how you feel. It's especially hard having only one. Aimee will be married 1 year next week. I still miss the lazy Saturday mornings spent drinknig coffee and catching up. We still see each other a few times a week but she has a life and a husband now. I have to step back sometimes. It's a true pain in the heart but she is happy. Tough on the Momma though. Lu

Anonymous said...

My Mother thinks I need to call her everyday and come home on weekends and drink coffee with her and eat lunch with her and blaaaaah.

Brenda said...

hey brit. someday your mama will be gone and you will wish you had spent those moments with her. lots of people wish they had those moments again. you need to see the big picture.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? Moms are immortal. They live forever.

Brenda said...

you hold on to that.

Anonymous said...

The money thing is key. Your son will sell you a small block of his time and attention for the cost of a pizza. What really worked for me was making our home super-teenage-friendly and all the freaks came to lounge on our sofas. My son was in heaven.

UrbanStarGazer said...

I always loved spending time with my mom, even as a teenager (well, when I wasn't off humping my boyfriend's brains out). I didn't really have anything to rebel against so . . . that was cool.

Brit -- Foolish, foolish. Some moms are taken way too soon.