Thursday, August 24, 2006

Pat Buchanan

I caught part of Catherine Crier’s CourtTV show yesterday. Pat Buchanan was hawking his book on illegal immigration. And God help my soul, I actually agreed with him on several points, although I’d never buy his book and put money in his pocket.
One of his main points centered around the idea that illegals drive down wages and thus make it harder for working class Americans 9the tax base) to find jobs that pay enough to support their families. He said immigration laws will never have any teeth due to the fact that corporate America love low paid illegals. (Of course I’m sure ole Pat isn’t in favor of raising the minimum wage to make it a living wage.)


Waltzing Matilda said...

Don't you just hate agreeing with that old windbag?

UrbanStarGazer said...

I lost my damn last contact lense.

The Broards said...

Can you see me now, Urban?

UrbanStarGazer said...

Yeah but, yer blurry.