Saturday, August 05, 2006

"Have a perfectly awful bloody day!"

Here’s a pre-caffeine story from Friday. On my way to work I stopped by this local coffee joint for a cup of joe to go. It’s an anti-Starbucks and I love it. It’s in a tiny building, but they still have a drive up. Picture this I you will: You have to round the tiny building to pull up to the window. The building is only a little over one car length, so I was waiting at the building’s edge for a red van to finish with his order. Soon, a bigass gray Ford truck (you know-- the kind with the huge wheels that must be compensating for the owner’s lack of something) comes up behind me --next in line after me. He can’t see the drive-up window. Pretty soon he’s honking his horn. I ignore him and continue to listen to Bob & Tom on the radio. Then I see him going to back up and go around me, or through the grass area to get back out on the street. At this point in time I don’t know what the fuck he’s so upset about.
The red van is still waiting (these coffee people are either slow today, or Red Van has ordered a double mocha latte with extra whipped cream and a dab of cinnamon) So I see the guy get out of his truck and come to my window.

I said, “There’s a red van there at the window!”
He said, “Oh, I didn’t see it.”
I said, “I’m not your sister and I DID SEE IT. That’s why I’m HERE. Patiently waiting my turn.”
He said (mockingly—I guess he was pissed that I dare return his tone of voice)
I said, “I hope you have a perfectly awful BLOODY day.”

I still can’t understand why the hell he could think someone, on a work day, would just sit in a coffee line and not move. Is that a way some people get their jollies?

---Anyway, Gas was $3.13 when I filled up today.

Yesterday evening BP used his metal lathe to make a part for the windshield wiper for his truck and was very pleased with himself.


Anonymous said...

Coffee bastard! LuLu

UrbanStarGazer said...

Last thing that man needs is caffeine.

Brenda said...

i have found the general public to be extremely rude as of late. perhaps it is the heat. that guy was an idiot so there is no changing that.

vq said...

What IS it with those guys in the trucks with the big wheels? And how the heck do they get in and out?

Meme said...

stop moaning we are paying nearly$8 a gallon