Sunday, July 30, 2006


For our anniversary Friday night BP and I went to a nice restaurant. LP went out to eat with a few of his friends then went over to Eric’s house.

After dinner BP and I were driving to this ciggie place to get smokes for BP. We went driving down a one-way street and about two blocks ahead we saw a moped with two kids on it coming towards is. On a one-way street mind you. I was driving and said, “What the hey!!??” As we came closer the two kids on the wobbly moped were none other than my own precious LP and Eric hanging onto the back!. I saw LP mouth the words, “OH SHIT! IT’S MY MOM!”

I hate mopeds. In this town moped drivers/riders are supposed to wear helmets. Neither LP or Eric had one on. I honked the horn indicating to him to pull over, but he cut down a side street. I knew they were going home to Eric’s house, so I drove over there and sure as the world—there they were. I took him home with us and he kept staying “Wha?? I don’t understand why you guys are so mad!”

What about: 1. You’re not supposed to even be on a moped, 2. You didn’t have a helmet on, 3. You were driving down a one-way street the wrong way, and 4. You didn’t stop when I honked and indicated for you to stop.

Oy. Oy. Oy.

So yesterday while BP was working on his truck, LP and I met my Lexus sister, my mom, and my eldest sister and her 13 year-old daughter Erica for lunch. Afterwards we drop off Mom at Lexus’ and then the rest of us went shopping. Erica got some very cute tops for school. Her school has a dress code that the shirts have to be collared, no belly shirts, no denim--just khaki or navy pants. Within those constraints we bought her some cute tops.
Lexus bought me a few dress pants and then let me go shopping in her closet for some shirts! Some of these things still had the tags on them. So I came home with about six blouses suitable for work. She also gave me another purse. It’s a big woven burnt orange bag she’d gotten at Harrod’s last year. (pic to come later) When I got it home it even had a ten pence coin in it. Woohoo


Anonymous said...

so is Liam grounded, or what?

Meme said...

Poor liam is shopping all day with women not punishment enough?
I found 10p in the bottom of my bag today we must be twins

Sonya said...

What are the odds you be at the right place at the right time?

Anonymous said...

I think it was a good lesson that he saw you. The lesson says. I have eyes in the back of my head, and I will always catch you so just don"t be stupid!!!! Kids......sheesh. Lulu

The Broards said...

It was karma, I guess. Good karma for me; bad for him.

Waltzing Matilda said...

So, how deep is Liam grounded? Is he going to grow roots.

UrbanStarGazer said...

Did you get your anniversary boink?

Anonymous said...

As punishment, make him carry the purse.