Thursday, July 20, 2006

It was a dark and stormy blog entry

It’s a dark day. Inside and out. It sucks. Yesterday LP and I had one of those Mom-Son arguments. Loud. To top it off yesterday a neighborhood kid with a baseball bat came by and hit the head off of my sunflower. It’s still lying in my lawn. That was so mean. I’m not picking it up either. It can stay there until it rots for all I care. I feel like tying a sign around the bare stalk proclaiming, “Some asshole whacked off my head.” Motherfucker.


Anonymous said...

you sound cranky. Meditate with your gnomes.


Waltzing Matilda said...

Wemma, for what it's worth, you have my whole hearted sympathies both with LP and the sunflower killer.

Brenda said...

wow.. arguments with son/daughters must be running rampant. i had one of those too with darling spideybitchette.

Anonymous said...

Fighting with your kids must be a left wing, liberal thing. My right wing, conservative kids do what their parents ask them to do. At least when the parents are around.

It's so wack to argue with people in power who don't know what's going on. Why fight City Hall (or your parents) when it's so much easier to nod your, put with the occasional inconveniences of doing what others tell you to do, and then doing pretty much what you want the rest of the time.

But that's just one POV...

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's it exactly. RIght-wing, conservative kids obey authority only when it's in evidence. Loosen the controls even slightly and soon your conservative progeny will be bilking Indian tribes of their money, and all without a shred of conscience.

As for the sunflower, that's pretty much a war crime, Emma. You are within your rights to carpet bomb the kid's infrastructure.

Waltzing Matilda said...

Boit??? Is Boit back???

I had a knock down drag out with Spawn on his birthday of all days.