Thursday, June 08, 2006

V is for Vicodin

Since LP’s surgery my days are all mixed up. Everyday seems either like a Saturday or a Sunday. Today we have an appointment with his general practioner—just to keep him updated. I’m taking all of LP’s prescriptions and see if we can ditch some. Since he’s pooping regularly (I’ll pause here so you can applaud!) I don’t think he needs the stool softener anymore.
His doctor at Riley said that if he can manage his pain, that I should wean him off the Vicodin and just give him ibuprofen. I’ve been doing that. Liam has been saying that all food tastes “funny” and it “pisses me off!” Sigh. But yesterday he didn’t have any Vicodin and the chow tasted better, so I wonder if that’s a side effect of the V. Anyone know?
He’s also taking a diuretic and a pill that retains potassium because the diuretic makes it go bye-bye in his system. He’ll probably still have to take both of them until next month when we see his surgeon again.
He really has made a remarkable recovery. How do I know this? Because he’s tired of being at home, wants to get out and walk around the mall and is back to playing the stupid idiotic X Box game that he likes. I have a summer reading list for him, so I’m sure he’ll loooooove it when we start on that!
I’m thinking about allowing him to accompany blu on her trip to Greece. I’m sure they’ll both cherish that trip!
I saw Respighi made a mean comment on my cat picture—but I’m glad to see her. I haven’t seen evidence of her existence for a long while.


Anonymous said...

Which Xbox game?

Jenny Robin said...

If you read my blog, you'd know I was alive.

Meme said...

wp Lp,come over here and recuperate with my vile child

vq said...

After I had surgery a few years ago, everything tasted horrible for about five days. No matter what I ate, it tasted like salt--even water.

I decided it was the anesthesia.

UrbanStarGazer said...

I know that Vicodin can make people very aggressive and some people flip out on it but I haven't heard about the taste thing.

Good to hear that LP is doing so well!!!

Yeah, what XBox game?

Catz said...

Glad to hear LP's doing fine.*