Friday, June 09, 2006

This is the time of year when the graduation announcements come in droves. Friends, relatives, friends of friends, co-workers’ children, etc. etc. etc. For most, I just send a graduation card. Why should I dole out money to a co-worker’s kid who I’ve met once when the kid was nine? All of a sudden the kid is 18 and a high school graduate and I’m supposed to buy him a gift or send him money.
My husband’s niece just graduated high school. She lives in Atlanta and she sent us an announcement. Or, to be more precise, her mother sent us an announcement. The kid is pleasant enough, is going to a bible college in the fall, but since I married BP almost seven years ago, I’ve seen her once. I bought a cute card at Target and enclosed an “atta girl!” sentiment along with a check for twenty-five dollars. I thought it was adequate, but BP (WHOSE SIGNATURE ON THE CARD I HAD TO FORGE BY THE WAY) said, “You should have sent $50.” FIFTY!!?? wtf? For high school? I thought $25 was generous for a high school gift. True or false?


Anonymous said...

$25 is just about right. (That's how much I sent a kid I know well who graduated this year.)

UrbanStarGazer said...

H's niece just graduated high school last year. He hasn't seen her in about 6 years and I've never met her but I sent $75.

Jenny Robin said...

Send me money. I didn't get shit for either of my graduations.

Brenda said...

25 bucks is enough for a kid you have met once. BP also could have put his own money in the card and then there would be no problem at all!

Waltzing Matilda said...

Me either Res.

I would say $25 is enough.

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. Thats why when Aimee graduated from college this May we didn't go advertising. The people who love and care about her knew already. I just went to my 50 something's cousins wedding. My cousin is a what the hell do you give for that? She just gave Aimee 200 for her wedding so I in turn gave her she needed it, but I could not think of a great gift for them.....So the motto of this story is, write the check and forget about it. Lu

The Broards said...

:::Note to self::::
forward all received announcements to Urban for handling

Rosa: I just saw your question from another post. LP is playing Black on his XBox. It's violent

Sonya said...

I'd say $50. $25 doesn't buy much of anything. Today's $50 is yesterday's $25.

schell said...

I'd say the $25 was fine. If it were someone closer, I'd have given $50.

Waltzing Matilda said...

$25 will buy a nice cd, and maybe a trip to the movies depending on where you live. For high school, that's enough.

Brenda said...

25 bucks might not be much but combine that with all the other 25 bucks you get and that could get you something good.

Anonymous said...

25 bucks is quite enough. My sis-in-law got enough 25 and 10 dollar gifts to have scored over 200 bucks.

UrbanStarGazer said...

I live in CA! $75 here gets you $35 to $50 everywhere else!