Friday, June 23, 2006

Storms and BB

Man, we had an hellicious storm yesterday afternoon. We all gathered at the windows at work and watched the black clouds roll in from the west. The winds were bad—straight-line, in fact.
I called LP at home and told him to get Nesta and go to the basement. He told me that BP had already called him and said the same thing. I don’t know whether or not he went—sometimes he gets so macho about stuff like that.
Anyway, the storm and winds only lasted about an hour and moved on out of the area. Trees and limbs down but no other big damage.
I’m glad it’s Friday. But unlike blu, who should be in the DR this weekend, and Schell who will enjoy being with JJ (and Keith—heehee), I have nothing fun planned besides mowing the lawn. :::rolls eyes:::
For you Big Brother fans, go to and vote for the "all stars." I am voting for HOWIE, KAYSAR, JANELLE and NICKOMIS, I could give two shits about the early BB people. All the sudden Latina crazyass IVETTE has denounced The Friendship Alliance. Too little too early, Bitch.

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