Saturday, June 24, 2006

Meal plan

One of my sisters is an RN. For health reasons her doctor put her on this Meal Plan (instead of "diet") In solidarity (and because my favorite pants are too tight) I went on it too and actually it's a pretty easy plan to follow. I think the key is eating every two or three hours so you won't feel deprived. She's been on it about five weeks and has lost 12 pounds. She said the first eight days were easy---the second & third weeks were the hardest. We'll see.


1 skim milk product
1 ounce of protein
3 grain products
1 fat


2 oz protein
1 skim milk product


3 ounce of protein
1 skim milk product
1 fruit
2 vegetables
2 grain products


½ serving of nuts
1 grain product

Evening Meal

2 ounce protein
2 vegetables
1 fruit
1 grain product
1 fat


1 fruit

My sister's comments:

Other tips—you cannot eat after 7:30 at night (reasoning: the body only burns 60 calories each hour (after 7:00pm))—so any calorie on top of that—will go directly into fat cells. Not eating after 7:30 at night will ensure a weight loss of five pounds each month.

Check the calorie count on things—I eat apples because a nice size apple is only 60 calories versus a small banana at 120 calories. Grapes are great because a cup is only 90 calories plus grapes will raise your blood sugar slowly—which avoids the yo-yo’ing of craving something sweet “chocolate” then something salty. I eat grapes as an afternoon snack or my evening snack.

I eat every two to three hours at 8AM, 10AM, 12PM, 2PM, 5PM and 7:30 PM. Your body needs fuel to burn fat—if you starve yourself—the body holds onto every bit of energy source—usually the pockets of sugar in fat cells—so eat every 2 to 3 hours and your body will begin burning extra unwanted calories through metabolism.

You must avoid any sodas—tea and coffee is okay, but no sugar or cream—and water (at least 64 ounces a day).

My comment:

I saw this "Miracle Tea" recipe in a magazine. I don't know if it's a miracle, but it's damned good:

Brew three green tea bags and ten whole cloves in four cups of water and let steep for four-five minutes. Fish out the bags and the cloves then add 1/4 teaspoon of both cinnamon and cardamom. You should drink the four cups throughout the day.


Anonymous said...

Good luck. I am slowly gaining back all the weight I lost before the wedding. I need to get back to doing it too. However nothing makes me as happy as being in my kitchen chopping and cooking and seeing the smiling faces of those whom I cook for. Maybe I was a big Italian Mamma stirring the pot in a former life.........wait sometimes thats this life too!!!Lubee

sparky said...

I agree with you about eating many times a day . People weren't meant to eat giant meals 3 times a day (imho) and then sit at a table with a distended belly . I eat stuff all day , fruit , a cookie , a small lunch (today I had a potato croquette from the pork store, some nuts etc. I've eaten this way my whole life and have never had a weight problem or a pot belly even when I was downing quarts of beer a day .

Anonymous said...

How do you stay so young and beautiful??? Jk. My husband just found out he is a borderline diabetic. I am cooking a whole new way and we are both the better for it. One of the things he has to do now is eat every few hours. He says he feels better than he has in years. He also went for a massage today. I gave him a gift cert for our 24th anniversay. I need to take care of that fine man of mine. Lu

Anonymous said...

The "no eating after 7:30 pm" rule works just fine if you have a normal schedule, but not if you go to sleep by 7 pm and wake up at 1 am.

The Broards said...

Kath, then count back about ten hours after you get up.

blu, shut it babe . . you're in the Dominican Republic oogling cabana boys

Anonymous said...

Let's see...I wake up at 1:00 am, so if I count back ten hours I end up at...three in the afternoon? Tell your sister I will NOT be in solidarity with her! (Unless this is the sister who has all of the $$$ and keeps giving you stuff; then I would be willing to do just about anything to join the sisterhood.)