Sunday, April 09, 2006

Great Battery

Our backporch smoke detector just started beeping Friday, April 7. I had forgotten we even had one back there. BP changed the battery in it. He brought the old battery to me to look at. "Guess when the last time the battery was changed," he asked. I didn't know. I told him that I had forgotten we even had a smoke detector by the back door.

He always writes the date he puts the battery in on the battery itself.The old battery's date was MAY 28, 2001!!!!FIVE FREAKING YEARS that battery lasted! It was an Energizer E Titanium. I know it's not suggested that a battery is kept in a smoke detector for FIVE years, but isn't it great that it lasted so long???

I suggest blu and Porky use this type of battery in their Turbo Rabbits.

1 comment:

UrbanStarGazer said...

Blu -- There was a "Couples" episode about that.